The LRDG "technical"
The "Chevy 30 CWT" as known universally is instantaneously identified to the LRDG truck, the heavy element of a pair that formed the core of the motorized Long Range Desert Patrol, with the Willys Jeep. But its origins are not that well known. This standardized light truck was indeed only produced in Canada under licence, as part of the larger CMP family ("Canadian pattern").The origins: CMP trucks
During World War 2, Canadian factories built large numbers of standardised trucks, to be used by Commonwealth armies. That is they are less well known in the general public compared to US trucks. These "Canadian Made" trucks were divided into two main types:The CMP vehicles (Canadian Military Pattern) tailored for military use
The MCP vehicles (Modified Conventional Pattern), civilian vehicles adopted for military use.
It's among the latter that was found the Chevrolet 1533x2 1.5-ton 4x2 truck, most famously used by the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) of the British Army.
Creation and short history of the LRDG
The famous "Long Range Desert Group" is such a legendary unit of WW2. It is largely seen as a forefunner of the SAS (British Special Air Service) one of the first "speco-ops" or special operation unit. Alongside the Commandos, these men formed a "special breed" and were largely seen as an elite force, precious assets to be sent in dangerous and vital operations. In the case of the LRDG, it was called at first the "Long Range Patrol" (LRP), founded in Egypt in June 1940 by Major Ralph Alger Bagnold under the direction of General Archibald Wavell.Bagnold, a colorful caracter not keen on authority, looked for strong caracters to form his motorized reconnaissance unit, as the front grew static in North Africa. He soon was assisted by Captain Patrick Clayton and Captain William Shaw. His idea was to break the deadlock of operations by undermining the enemy rear lines, making deep forays with swift columns of light vehicles. Mobility was key, but these vehicles were all heavily armed, not counter any threats on the way, and attack specifi objectives deep into enemy territory, mostly support bases, depots, ralways junctions or airfields.
The first men hired from the task were from New Zealand, soon joined by Southern Rhodesian, British volunteers, and soon enough men and vehicles were collected to form several sub-units called "patrols" while the expanded unit was renamed Long Range Desert Group (LRDG). At its peak in late 1942, before the second battle of El Alamein, the LRDG totalled than 350 picked-up volunteers and a hundred vehicles. The LRDG was used to deep penetration and covert reconnaissance patrols, intelligence gathering, mostly in the Italian-controlle area. Although it was after the war associated with daring raids on airfields, combat operations were rare.
Because the LRDG became experts in desert navigation and became the facto scouts for other units, such as the Special Air Service and secret agents. First operations started in December 1940 and went on until April 1943, constantly behind enemy lines. The most prominent operation was Operation Caravan (see later) an attack on Barce airfield, on 13-14 September 1942. They also played a vital role in operation "Road Watch" monitoring traffic from Tripoli to Benghazi, invaluable information transmitted to the British HQ. Aftee the surrender of the Axis in Tunisia by May 1943, the LRDG expanded operations on the eastern Mediterranean, Greek islands, Italy and Balkans against Italian and German forces of occupation. In 1945 they were poised to be sent to the Far East to wage similar missions against the Japanese Empire but this was eventually cancelled in August. The vehicles were ill-adapted to jingle warfare anyway.
As for vehicles used, it was not limited to the Jeep and Chevy 30 CWT: The Ford F30 CMP (30 CWT) was also used. The Ford F30, a four wheel drive truck designed to replace the commercial Chevrolet 30 CWTs and more "military-like", rugged and simplified models were used. However commonality of parts with the Ford Pilot Cars helped the supply chain, but it came as heavier than Chevrolets, casusing it to fall behind in patrol, or slow them out. It had a 4-speed Flathead V8 running at 6 miles per gallon, and thus, it was replaced when possible by the 30 CWT. It was a great standard among all British Ford CMPs and when on patrol, the hood was stripped off for better cooling. It was also given a purpose built bed and often acted as a heavier portee, to bring artillery support to the patrol. Although still popular and often seen at the start of the LRDG, its gargantuan fuel consumption and weight put it as a second-choice.
The LRDG Chevy 30 CWT

Two early Chevrolet trucks – CMP left and 'Modified Conventional Pattern' on right, 1942.
Although the off-road caracteristics and speed of the Jeep was good, for long missions, storage and fuel,the complement of a truck was needed. A unit only formed with Jeeps would have not been that useful, after early forays were made. It was recoignised that the adjunction of a truck with equally solid off-road capabilities, and top of all, endurance and payload, was necessary. There were not so much to choose here. The CMPs being exlusively used in Canadian infantry trained for the frontline (and used mostly in italy later, then in Normandy), early subsidiary units in North Afica hand to make due with the remaining MCP vehicles, of which there was a single, really suitable candidate: The Canadian-built 30 CWT truck, in the nomenclature class Chevrolet C30 (4x4, 134 inch wheelbase, so 30 cwt).
First model 30 CWT
The first trucks locally procured 1 ½ ton Chevrolets proved successful at first. Typical of peacetime production which were designed with streamined features, with its typical horizontal grill and round fenders on the rear wheels, they had left hand steering and were generally armed with a Lewis Gun on a Lewis gun on a Swan Neck mount and a Vickers Maxim on the center pintle, or in alternative, a Boys AT rifle in case of "bad encounter". The latter could deal with most Italian or axis light armored vehicles encountered. However on each patrol a single truck carried a Bofors 40 mm QF anti-tank gun to have an organic capability against tanks.Any Chevy WB carries also supplies for the patrol, food, water, fuel, and ammunition. Due to the nature of these raids, the prime personal weapon in addition of the rest, and grenades, were at leats one or two Thompson submachine guns (TSMG) always at hand in the cab. The 30 CWT was stripped bare, without doors, the windshield folded down, and often unditching perforating ramps strapped onto the flatbed's walls.
Specs: 216 CI 6 Cylinder inline engine with 4 forward x 1 reverse gearbox, Left Hand steering, 20 gallon tank @240 Miles. Chassis 134 inches with 10.50 X 16 tyres. Payload: 3,000 pounds.
Early Ford 01 Pilot Car (15 CWT)
The First Pilot (Commander's) Car was generally a 1940/41 Ford 01 Pick-up truck, rated either at ½ or ¾ tons with a 114 inches wheelbase and caracterized by its front "V" grill, large black teardrop engine bonnet, cut out for better cooling. New rear fenders for easy access to the tires were procured and swan neck pintles for a large variery of machine guns. Fords kept their doors for only a time. They were removed like the others, wheras a wooden structure was often built above the flatbed with extra storage bins affixed to it. In standard they carried a Vickers .303 MG or Lewis Gun, and sometimes both, plus personal weapons, most of the time Lee-enfield rifles and revolvers, plus a crate of grenades. The pilot car navigated the whole column in the desert and choose the best terrain to advance.specs 221 CI Ford/Mercury Flathead V8 cylinder with 4 fwd/1 reverse speeds, left hand steering and 16 Gal. fuel tank. Useful payload 1,500 Ibs.
Chevrolet 1533X2 30 CWT
Model of the Chevy LRDG 1533x2
The final, mature patrol truck, which was really the best and most common LRDG "heavy mount". This was the ulltimate all around Patrol Truck, two wheel drive and completely modified in Canada and later in local workshops with scores of military modifications. The base vehicle with its typical "water fall" grill was called in the US 1½ ton YR serie Chevrolet. These "factory" modifications included:
-Special truck bed
-New cab
-Reworked front grill for better cooling
-Strenghtened suspensions.
Further modifications were made in LRDG workships in Cairo:
-Right hand drive.
-New Grill with fewer slats for better air flow.
These vehicles were also used a support "technical", the name given to heavily armed pickups with generally an AA, rapid-fire gun on the flatbed. The early vehicles had a 1st gen. 37 mm antitank Bofors gun but it was replaced gradually by the Italian Model 35 Breda 20 mm AA gun, as soon as they were captured (dozens were so during Operation Compass back in 1940). In a column one on six trucks had a Breda and another was a radio truck. But a command car could also tow a Breda. Towing guns was however quite rare in patrol. But they also carried other cannons, anti-tank, a better proposition than the usual Boys cal.50 rifle: The 2-Pdr QF Portee was a dedicated antitank variant, more potent than the Bofors and often used alongside another Breda Truck, the latter used more for organic AA.

Chevy with Bofors AT gun
Rge other Chevy truks war optimized to carry supplies and fuel cans. They were more lightlu armed, with a Vickers .5 inch heavy machine gun on the flatbed, a Vickers GO (or Vickers K) light machine gun forward, manned by the the passenger. The Vickers .5 inch was replaced by the ANM2 Browning when possible, as it was water-cooled and not that powerful, but it was reliable. Those vehicles were sometimes used also to resupply lines for Allied troops. The two wheel drive, were lighter, more fuel efficient than four wheel drive vehicles, and stripped bare:
The first thing workshops did was to remove doors, windscreens and roofs. A larger radiator was fitted when possible, all openings were widened and extra ones created when practicable, but an new condenser system was installed as well as thicker (or just with extra layers) leaf springs. The tyres were wide, low pressure desert tyres ideal to offer the best grip. They also had sand mats and channels installed aft, and for navigation map containers and a sun compass. The radio vehicles had a special built-in compartment to house the emitter/receptor.
Specs Chevy 1533X2 30 CWT | |
Dimensions : | Wheelbase 134 in |
Total weight, battle ready : | circa 4 tons |
Tires : | 10.50X20 |
Crew : | 2 |
Propulsion: | 216 or 235 CI Chevy in-line 6 cylinder* |
Speed : | 50 km/h (30 mph) |
Range (road/off road) : | 240 Miles, 20 gal. tank |
Payload : | 3,000 pounds |
Production | Circa 400 |
LRDG Chevy in Action
Initially LRDG patrols has a single 4WD CMP Ford 15cwt F15 truck used solely by the commander, the rest being given up to ten Chevrolet 30cwt wide-body (WB) trucks. But from March 1941 these Chevrolets were swapped for CMP Ford 30cwt F30, heavier four wheel drive which reduced patrol range. From March 1942, some 200 Canadian-built Chevrolet 1533x2 30cwts specially ordered for the LRDG arrived, and received in Cairo further modifications. From July 1942 also, LRDG obtained Willys Jeeps, at first only issued to the patrol commander and patrol sergeant. By late 1942, the typical patrol comprised one Jeep, 6-7 Chevy trucks with one radio vehicle, one or two cannon vehicles, the rest being machine-gun armed, notably with US-leased M1919 A4 light MGs and the usual Browning M1920 on the flatbed, usable as AA defence.Operations in North Africa (Dec. 1940-May 1943)

Area of Operation
First Operations (Sept-Dec. 1940)
'W' Patrol commanded by Captain Mitford made the first large foray on 15 September 1940, a reconnaissance of Kufra and Uweinat. Not finding the Italians, the columns started to attack secondary objectives, notably fuel and water depots. He was joined by 'T' Patrol (Captain Clayton). On 27 December 1940, 'G' and 'T' Patrols crossed the desert to northwest of Kufra, later to be met by Free French representatives looking also for an action on Kufra, this led to a major and succesful raid (see below).Attack on Koufra (Jan-March 1941)
One of the first deep penetration of the LRDG was during the attack on Koufra, the first major raid of the Free French Forces led by Col. D'Ornano and later Leclerc (which became quite famous afterwards). The brigade was 350 men strong but had little vehicles to go with. Major Pat Clayton of the LRDG was keen to join this expedition to test the Italians, commanding G Guard and T Patrol of New Zealander with 76 men in 26 vehicles. Most of which were Chevrolet 2WD 30cwt vehicles. At first the raid devastated the Italian airfield at Murzuk, and Leclerc reorganized his forces, gathering extra vehicles to create a column of 400 men in sixty trucks, including two armoured Laffly S15 TOE scout cars, four Laffly S15R personnel carriers towing two 75 mm (2.95 in) mountain guns, one of which will play a crucial role to submit the fort. However prior to this, the LRDG tasked to deal with the Italian Saharian company at El Tag was defeated. The Italians had air support, one AS37 and four FIAT 634 lorries. The French later were attacked by another column from Koufra, with seventy men on ten AS37 and five trucks, carrying 20 mm Breda guns which made crippling damage, but he laid siege to the fort with a single field gun and mortars, and it eventually capitulated. The burning souvenir left by the 20 mm Breda led the LRDG to capture and adopt it when available to mount on the Chevrolet 30 cwt.Post-Compass Operations from Kufra
After Operation Compass Cyrenaica fell to the allies and it was decided to move the LRDG from Cairo to Kufra in South East Libya while the LRDG was expanded: 'Y' and 'S' Patrols where created; However the German Afrika Korps under General Erwin Rommel arrived and soon counterattacked on April 1941. The LRDG reinforced the Kufra area, 'R' Patrol from Taiserbo, 'S' Patrol from Zighen, and the HQ, 'T' Patrol, and Free French in Kufra under command of Bagnold. G' and 'Y' were sent to Siwa Oasis for the XIII Corps. Major Guy Lenox Prendergast soon created an air component for reconnaissance and liaison, linking to GHQ Cairo with two Waco aircraft, flying one himself, the other by R. F. T. Barker. Bagnold was recalled at the General Staff in Cairo by August 1941 and replaced by Prendergast.The LRDG Moves to Siwa and Jalo

R1 Patrol, 30 cwt 1533x2 at Jalo Oasis, Libya 1942
LRDG patrols behind Axis lines multiplied from there. By late July 1941, 'T' Patrol forayed in the south of the Gulf of Sirte, monitoring Axis traffic, 'S' Patrol went between Jalo oasis and Agedabia and in August 1941 'R' Patrol replaced 'G'-'Y' Patrols at Siwa. From November 1941 the LRDG fell under supervision of the 8th Army and was relocated in Siwa, central Libya. Patrols were sent to the south of Jebel Akhdar and SAS were deployed to raid airfields west of Tobruk. Their role of "SAS Taxis" went on until they got their own transport in 1942. They contributed to Operation Flipper, the planned assassination of Rommel.

Commendo Force B, Operation Agreement, Tobruk, Sept. 1942
On 24 November the LRDG intervened in support of Operation Crusader, attacking the axis rear.'Y1' and 'Y2' attacked Mechili, Derna and Gazala; 'S2' and 'R2' conventrated around Benghazi, Barce and Marawa, 'G1' and 'G2' surveyed the main road near Agedabia and attacked road traffic until the Axis forces withdrew from Cyrenaica; The LRDG was moved again to Jalo oasis, 140 miles (230 km) SSE of Ajdabiya. Last operations of 1941 saw in December combined SAS raids on Axis airfields at Sirte, El Agheila, Ajdabiya, Nofaliya and Tamit. In all they claimed 151 aircraft and 30 vehicles.
Road Watch
from Siwa, the LRDG proceeded to 'Road Watch' operartions along the Via Balbia (Tripoli-Benghazi) with three patrols always on watch, rotating every 10 days. They were parked 2 miles away from the road, trucks camouflaged using camouflage nets, foliage and sand and men crawling into an advanced camouflaged positions 350 yards (320 m) from the road. At night they crawled to just 30 yards (27 m) from the road. Valuable assets were communicated to the LRDG headquarters at Siwa, then GHQ Cairo. There were some close encounters. After the Battle of Gazala, fall of Tobruk, the LRDG left Siwa to Cairo and Kufra or Faiyum.Raid on Barce
One of the most famous raid of the LRDG: The 8th Army hold the El Alamein line, and so it was planned to severe Axis supply lines from Benghazi and Tobruk. In September 1942, Commandos were tasked to attack Tobruk (Operation Agreement) and the SAS Benghazi (Operation Bigamy). The Sudan Defence Force would capture Jalo oasis (Operation Nicety), the LRDG guiding them and carying them in the desert. But one LRDG force would attack Barce (Operation Caravan). This was a force of 17 vehicles (47 men), 'G1' and 'T1' Patrols launched across 1,155 miles (1,859 km). On arrival 'T1' attacked the airfield, 'G1' the barracks in Barce. The Italian lost 16 aircraft, 7 more badly damaged. On 30 September 1942, the LRDG passed onto control of GHQ Middle East and took part in the Mareth Line Offensive, guiding the 2nd New Zealand Division by March 1943.Italy and Balkans
In May 1943 the LRDG was retrained in mountain warfare in Lebanon and after the Italian armistice they were instead sent to Leros (Dodecanese) dismounted (as regular infantry), taking part in the Battle of Leros. The last New Zealanders veterans (2 officers, 46 men) left the LRDG for the NZ division. By December 1943, the LRDG consisted in two squadrons of eight patrols, with a British one (Major Moir Stormonth Darling) and a Rhodesian one (Major Kenneth Henry Lazarus), parachuted north of Rome to monitor German troop movements and raiding the Dalmatian Islands and Corfu. In August 1944, the British Squadron was parachuted in Yugoslavia and Albania in September 1944, then by October 1944, the Florina area, Greece. Leaders of the LRDG asked the War Office in early 1945 for transfer to the Far East but it was denied, and the war ended soon. Vehicles would play little part in these operations. The HQ was only interested by the "elite" aspects of these veterans. They only shone in Africa, as shown by their famous "scorpio" symbol.Read More/src
CC photos
Camouflage patterns
On untaxipourtobrouk2010
CMP wiki
LRDG Wiki coll.

Chevy 30 cwt of the FFL in Koufra, March 1941.

2-Pdr portee vehicle, used for antitank purposes

Basic Chevy 30 CWT in service, sand livery
Chevy 153 with Bofors AT Gun (to come)

"Chevy Breda", replacing the Bofors vehicles

30cwt in "mountbatten pink" with olive stripes
*A note on camouflages
By default, all Chevy 30 Cwt and 1533X2 30 Cwt received a British sand livery either "Canadian Sand" or "UK light stone". On this, some camouflages were sometimes applied: With little olive green paint available (British Olive Drab 15), stripes were sprayed, and light blue when available applied or possibly BSC 34 Slate or "azure" in straight lines. To gather a larger palette, improvized camouflage would be made using oil (or glue if available), simply spraying over either dirt to obtain browns "middle stone", reddish sand, or burned ash, or a mixture of oil and red clay. "portland stone" was also used as color, and a delayed "light olive". But of all, "pink" became in 1942 the most appreciated for desert conditions, all over or combined with other colors. Patterns varied, either sprayed and blurred, wavy, broom-applied (by two ways, with the head, by peppering, or brushed), straight breaking lines, additions of Local shrubs, and for some areas, local black soil mixed with oil.Photos

Chevy negociating a sand dune slope 27 March 1941

Chevy with Bofors antitank gun, LRDG Cairo 27 March 1941

Chevy 30cwt in the desert. Note the kiwi symbol on the other side of the bonnet, where the vehicle's unofficial name was.

Chevy "Louise"

Chevy "Rotowaro" (Maori for chieftain)

Operation Barce

Vickers K, the most common LRDG LMG

LRDG vehicles


Wireless radio compartment
See also: The early days of the SAS (Lindybeige)
WW1 Vehicles

LGOC B-type troop Bus
Mack AC
Pierce-Arrow AA truck
BSA 14/18 hp-20/25 hp
BSA 13.9 h.p
Lanchester staff Car
Thornycroft J
Maudslay Lorry
AEC Y Type
Foster-Daimler Tractor
Motorc. Triumph H
Ford Model T Patrol Car
FWD Model B 3-ton Lorry
Leyland 3-ton truck
Vulcan truck
Vauxhall D-type staff car
Crossley 20/25 staff car

Berliet CBA
Berliet Type M
Châtillon-Panhard Tractor
Panhard K11
Latil TAR Tractor
Panhard-Genty 24 HP
Renault EG
Renault AG1 Landaulet
Renault Truck 60CV
Renault FB Artillery Portee
Schneider CD Artillery Tractor

(list in research)

Holt tractor
Liberty Trucks, assembled by:
- Bethlehem
- Brockway
- Diamond T
- Gardford
- Gramm-Berstein
- Indiana
- Kelly-Springfield
- Packard
- Pierce-Arrow
- Republic
- Selden
- Sterling
- Velie
- Dart
- Lafrance
Ricker truck
Ford Model T Mil.
Spruce log truck
Dodge M1918 Light Repair truck
Dart BB, E, L, Liberty CC4, J Tractor
5-ton Artillery Tractor
Ford Model T Ambulance
Mack AC "Bulldog" Truck
Holt 15-ton Tractor
Jeffery Quad Lorry
FWD Model B

Lancia IZ
Fiat 15ter Ambulance
Fiat 15ter Lorry
Fiat 18BL Lorry
Hersent-Thiriont Flamethrower
(list in research)

(list in research)

Berna C2 Truck (Swiss)
(list in research)

A7V Überlandwagen
Büssing KZW1800 Artillery Tractor
Daimler Marienfelde Truck
Field Artillery Limbers
Große FeldKüche Hf.13
Mercedes 37/95 Staff Car
(list in research)

Austro-Daimler Lorry
Austro-Daimler Artilleriezugwagen
B-Zug Artillery Tractor
Feldküche M.1915

(list in research)
Allied ww2 Vehicles

-AEC Armoured Command Vehicle (415)
-AEC Matador
-Albion CX22S
-Albion FT15N
-Albion WD.CX24
-Austin K2/Y Ambulance
-Austin K3
-Austin K4
-Austin K4 Dropside
-Austin K5
-Austin K6 GS
-Austin K6 Gantry
-Bedford MW
-Bedford OXA Armoured
-Bedford OXC Semi-trailer
-Bedford OXD GS
-Bedford OYC Tanker
-Bedford OYD GS
-Bedford QL series (QLD, QLR/QLC QLT TC)
-Commer Q2
-Crossley Q-Type
-Diamond T tank transporter
-Guy Quad-Ant FAT
-Guy Lizard ACV
-Humber FWD
-Karrier KT4
-Karrier K6
-Leyland Hippo Mk I/II
-Leyland Lynx
-Leyland Retriever
-Mack EXBX
-Morris 15cwt
-Morris CDSW
-Morris ML Ambulance
-Morris C8 GS/FAT
-Morris Commercial CD series
-Morris Commercial CS8
-Morris C9
-Morris GS Terrapin
-Morris PU
-Scammell Pioneer
-Scammell Pioneer TRCU
-Scammell Pioneer SV1S/T
-Thornycroft Hathi (1924)
-Thornycroft Nubian
-Thornycroft Tartar
-AEC Matador
-Albion CX22S
-Albion FT15N
-Albion WD.CX24
-Austin K2/Y Ambulance
-Austin K3
-Austin K4
-Austin K4 Dropside
-Austin K5
-Austin K6 GS
-Austin K6 Gantry
-Bedford MW
-Bedford OXA Armoured
-Bedford OXC Semi-trailer
-Bedford OXD GS
-Bedford OYC Tanker
-Bedford OYD GS
-Bedford QL series (QLD, QLR/QLC QLT TC)
-Commer Q2
-Crossley Q-Type
-Diamond T tank transporter
-Guy Quad-Ant FAT
-Guy Lizard ACV
-Humber FWD
-Karrier KT4
-Karrier K6
-Leyland Hippo Mk I/II
-Leyland Lynx
-Leyland Retriever
-Mack EXBX
-Morris 15cwt
-Morris CDSW
-Morris ML Ambulance
-Morris C8 GS/FAT
-Morris Commercial CD series
-Morris Commercial CS8
-Morris C9
-Morris GS Terrapin
-Morris PU
-Scammell Pioneer
-Scammell Pioneer TRCU
-Scammell Pioneer SV1S/T
-Thornycroft Hathi (1924)
-Thornycroft Nubian
-Thornycroft Tartar

-Ford F8 CMP
-CMP C15/F15 (1940)
-CMP C30/F30 LRGD (1942)
-CMP C30/F30 (1940)
-CMP C60/F60 LWB (1941)
-CMP C60/F60 SWB (1942)
-C-60X 6x6 CMP
-F-60H 6x4 CMP
-Ford F-GT CMP
-Chevy C-GT CMP
-C8A 1C1 HUP
-Chevrolet 3 ton truck
-Chevrolet WB 30cwt LRDG
-Chevrolet C8/C8A 4x2 CMP
-CMP C15/F15 (1940)
-CMP C30/F30 LRGD (1942)
-CMP C30/F30 (1940)
-CMP C60/F60 LWB (1941)
-CMP C60/F60 SWB (1942)
-C-60X 6x6 CMP
-F-60H 6x4 CMP
-Ford F-GT CMP
-Chevy C-GT CMP
-C8A 1C1 HUP
-Chevrolet 3 ton truck
-Chevrolet WB 30cwt LRDG
-Chevrolet C8/C8A 4x2 CMP

-Berliet DGRA
-Berliet GDC
-Berliet GDM
-Berliet VDCA
-Berliet 30
-Bernard fuel carrier
-Citroën Kégresse P14 .
-Citroën Kégresse P17
-Citroën Kégresse P19
-Citroën Type 23
-Citroën 32U
-Citroën T45
-Citroën Traction Avant
-Fiat France 38R
-Ford France
-Hotchkiss PKW Type 680
-Hotchkiss 686
-Hotchkiss 686 PNA
-Isobloc W843M medical bus
-Laffly S15R
-Laffly S15R
-Laffly S35T
--Laffly V15T
-Laffly W15T/R
-Laffly 20TL
-Laffly 25
-Laffly 45
-Latil TAR H2
-Latil M2Tl6
-Matford F917
-Panhard K113 Truck
-Panhard K125 Truck/Bus
-Peugeot 202
-Peugeot 402
-Peugeot DMA
-Peugeot DK
-Peugeot DK5
-Renault AHS
-Renault AHN
-Renault AHR
-Renault AGC
-Renault ADK
-Renault ADH
-Renault AHSs
-Renault YCR (TRC-36R)
-Saurer type 3CT
-Simca 5 staff car
-Simca 8 staff car
-Somua MCL
-Somua MCG
-Talbot staff car
-Unic TU1
-Unic P107
-Trippel SG6
-Willeme DU10
-Berliet GDC
-Berliet GDM
-Berliet VDCA
-Berliet 30
-Bernard fuel carrier
-Citroën Kégresse P14 .
-Citroën Kégresse P17
-Citroën Kégresse P19
-Citroën Type 23
-Citroën 32U
-Citroën T45
-Citroën Traction Avant
-Fiat France 38R
-Ford France
-Hotchkiss PKW Type 680
-Hotchkiss 686
-Hotchkiss 686 PNA
-Isobloc W843M medical bus
-Laffly S15R
-Laffly S15R
-Laffly S35T
--Laffly V15T
-Laffly W15T/R
-Laffly 20TL
-Laffly 25
-Laffly 45
-Latil TAR H2
-Latil M2Tl6
-Matford F917
-Panhard K113 Truck
-Panhard K125 Truck/Bus
-Peugeot 202
-Peugeot 402
-Peugeot DMA
-Peugeot DK
-Peugeot DK5
-Renault AHS
-Renault AHN
-Renault AHR
-Renault AGC
-Renault ADK
-Renault ADH
-Renault AHSs
-Renault YCR (TRC-36R)
-Saurer type 3CT
-Simca 5 staff car
-Simca 8 staff car
-Somua MCL
-Somua MCG
-Talbot staff car
-Unic TU1
-Unic P107
-Trippel SG6
-Willeme DU10

-GAZ AA M1927 M1932 M1941
-GAZ AAA M1937/1940
-Ford Marmon HH6 Katiusha
-SU C-6
-Yag-10 SPG
-ZIS-33 HT
-ZIS 41 HT
-FN-Kégresse T3
Artillery tractors
-Komsomolets (4,041 pre-war)
-STZ-3 (3,658 pre-war)
-STZ-5 (7,170 pre-war)
-Stalinets (ChTz S-65) (?)
-Komintern (1,017 pre-war)
-Voroshilovets (1228 1942)
-Kommunar (504 pre-war)
-YA-12 (1,666)
-Wheeled Tractor SKhTZ 15-30 (1930) Specialized Vehicles
-BM-13 Katyusha (1940) Soviet staff cars
-GAZ M1 "Emka"
-GAZ 11-73
-GAZ 61-73
-GAZ 67 Amphibious armoured cars
-GAZ AA M1927 M1932 M1941
-GAZ AAA M1937/1940
-Ford Marmon HH6 Katiusha
-SU C-6
-Yag-10 SPG
-ZIS-33 HT
-ZIS 41 HT
-FN-Kégresse T3
Artillery tractors
-Komsomolets (4,041 pre-war)
-STZ-3 (3,658 pre-war)
-STZ-5 (7,170 pre-war)
-Stalinets (ChTz S-65) (?)
-Komintern (1,017 pre-war)
-Voroshilovets (1228 1942)
-Kommunar (504 pre-war)
-YA-12 (1,666)
-Wheeled Tractor SKhTZ 15-30 (1930) Specialized Vehicles
-BM-13 Katyusha (1940) Soviet staff cars
-GAZ M1 "Emka"
-GAZ 11-73
-GAZ 61-73
-GAZ 67 Amphibious armoured cars

-Praga N (1915)
-Praga TNSPE (1916) AC
-Praga MN, LN (1926)
-Praga RN (1933)
-Praga SND (SNDgs) (1937)
-Praga RND (1935)
-Praga T6 (1937) artillery tractor
-Praga RV (1934)
-Praga AV (1936)
-Tatra 26
-Tatra 57/57K (1932-1940)
-Tatra 72
-Tatra 82
-Tatra 92
-Tatra 81
-Tatra 111
-Praga TNSPE (1916) AC
-Praga MN, LN (1926)
-Praga RN (1933)
-Praga SND (SNDgs) (1937)
-Praga RND (1935)
-Praga T6 (1937) artillery tractor
-Praga RV (1934)
-Praga AV (1936)
-Tatra 26
-Tatra 57/57K (1932-1940)
-Tatra 72
-Tatra 82
-Tatra 92
-Tatra 81
-Tatra 111

-Autocar U8144T 5/6-ton 4x4 truck
-Brockway/LaFrance 6-ton 6x6 truck, G512, 514, 547, 569
-Brockway 6-ton 6×6 truck
-Chevrolet m1931
-Chevrolet m1936
-Chevrolet G506 1.5 ton 4x4 truck
-Chevrolet G-7107 4-1/2 ton 4x4
-Chevrolet 3116 1-1/2 ton 4x2
-Chevrolet AFWX-354
-Corbitt 6-ton 6×6 truck
-Diamond T Model 980/981 12-ton 6x4 trucks (G159)
-Diamond T Model 968 4-ton 6x6 truck (G509)
-Diamond T Model 967
-Diamond T Model 970
-Diamond T Model 972
-Diamond M26 Dragon Wagon
-Diamond M19 Tank Transporter
-Diamond T Model 980
-Diamond T 4-ton 6x6 truck
-Dodge 1⁄2-ton truck
-Dodge WC-51/52 (3⁄4-ton Trucks, Weapons Carrier)
-Dodge WC-53 (3⁄4-ton Carryall)
-Dodge WC-54/64 (3⁄4-ton Ambulance)
-Dodge WC-55 (3⁄4-ton Truck, M6 Gun Motor Carriage)
-Dodge WC-56/57/58 (3⁄4-ton (Radio) Command Reconnaissance)
-Dodge WC-62/43 (G-507, 11⁄2-ton, 6x6 truck)
-Dodge M6 GMC
-Dodge D-15 truck
-Dodge T-234 "China/Burma" truck
-Ford B3000 S
-Ford V3000S
-Ford V3000A
-Ford BB
-Ford V8-51
-Ford m1931
-Ford V8 M1937
-Four Wheel Drive Auto Company (FWD) SU-COE 5-6 ton 4x4
-GMS 353 Bofors
-International B2
-International model 1937
-Inl KR-11 5 ton 4x2 dump truck
-Inl M5-6 318 2-1/2 ton 6x6 swb
-G8T 2-1/2 ton 4x2 Truck
-Mack NR15 10-ton 6x4
-Reo 28 XS 10-ton 6x4
-Studebaker US6x4 U-5
-Studebaker US6x4 U-7
-Studebaker US6x4 U-6
-Studebaker US6 U4 bz35S 2-1/2 ton 6x6 truck
-T1E1(M1) half-track
-T5 half-track
-T7 half-track
-T9 half-track
-Ward LaFrance
-White 6 ton 6x6 Prime Mover
-White G-691 444T
-White 6-ton 6×6 truck G512, 514, 526, 547
Small truck/car & Misc.
Bantam Reconnaissance Car
Ford GTB
6x6 Willys 'MT-TUG' ("Super-Jeep")
-Willys MB light truck
-Ford GPA ("Seep")
Buick Century Series 60
1941 Plymouth P11 Staff Car
Ford Fordor 1942 Staff Car
Harley-Davidson WLA motorcycle
M1 Heavy Tractor:
-Brockway/LaFrance 6-ton 6x6 truck, G512, 514, 547, 569
-Brockway 6-ton 6×6 truck
-Chevrolet m1931
-Chevrolet m1936
-Chevrolet G506 1.5 ton 4x4 truck
-Chevrolet G-7107 4-1/2 ton 4x4
-Chevrolet 3116 1-1/2 ton 4x2
-Chevrolet AFWX-354
-Corbitt 6-ton 6×6 truck
-Diamond T Model 980/981 12-ton 6x4 trucks (G159)
-Diamond T Model 968 4-ton 6x6 truck (G509)
-Diamond T Model 967
-Diamond T Model 970
-Diamond T Model 972
-Diamond M26 Dragon Wagon
-Diamond M19 Tank Transporter
-Diamond T Model 980
-Diamond T 4-ton 6x6 truck
-Dodge 1⁄2-ton truck
-Dodge WC-51/52 (3⁄4-ton Trucks, Weapons Carrier)
-Dodge WC-53 (3⁄4-ton Carryall)
-Dodge WC-54/64 (3⁄4-ton Ambulance)
-Dodge WC-55 (3⁄4-ton Truck, M6 Gun Motor Carriage)
-Dodge WC-56/57/58 (3⁄4-ton (Radio) Command Reconnaissance)
-Dodge WC-62/43 (G-507, 11⁄2-ton, 6x6 truck)
-Dodge M6 GMC
-Dodge D-15 truck
-Dodge T-234 "China/Burma" truck
-Ford B3000 S
-Ford V3000S
-Ford V3000A
-Ford BB
-Ford V8-51
-Ford m1931
-Ford V8 M1937
-Four Wheel Drive Auto Company (FWD) SU-COE 5-6 ton 4x4
-GMS 353 Bofors
-International B2
-International model 1937
-Inl KR-11 5 ton 4x2 dump truck
-Inl M5-6 318 2-1/2 ton 6x6 swb
-G8T 2-1/2 ton 4x2 Truck
-Mack NR15 10-ton 6x4
-Reo 28 XS 10-ton 6x4
-Studebaker US6x4 U-5
-Studebaker US6x4 U-7
-Studebaker US6x4 U-6
-Studebaker US6 U4 bz35S 2-1/2 ton 6x6 truck
-T1E1(M1) half-track
-T5 half-track
-T7 half-track
-T9 half-track
-Ward LaFrance
-White 6 ton 6x6 Prime Mover
-White G-691 444T
-White 6-ton 6×6 truck G512, 514, 526, 547

Bantam Reconnaissance Car
Ford GTB
6x6 Willys 'MT-TUG' ("Super-Jeep")
-Willys MB light truck
-Ford GPA ("Seep")
Buick Century Series 60
1941 Plymouth P11 Staff Car
Ford Fordor 1942 Staff Car
Harley-Davidson WLA motorcycle

- Allis-Chalmers Model L
- G-022 Caterpillar Model 60
- G-89 Caterpillar RD7
- G-98, G-107 Allis-Chalmers HD-10DW
- G-101 International Harvester TD-18
- G-126 Caterpillar D7
- G-153 Caterpillar D8
Axis Trucks

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Sd.Kfz 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 were half-tracks designed just before the war as prime movers, to carry supplies, ammunition, personal, and tow artillery. Many were also converted during the war as armored versions carrying AA FLAK guns (Flakvierling, 37 mm, or the legendary 88 mm Rheinmetall als used as tank hunters), or were converted as nebelwerfer (rocket launching armored vehicles). They were built by Hanomag, Steyr, Mercedes-Benz, Bussing and many other manufacturers until 1945, over 20,000 half-tracks.
-Opel Blitz
-Mercedes-Benz L3000
-Magirus A3000
-Krupp Protze Kfz.19
-Krupp Protze Kfz.21
-Krupp Protze Kfz.68
-Krupp Protze Kfz.69
-Krupp Protze Kfz.70
-Krupp Protze Kfz.81
-Krupp Protze Kfz.21
-Krupp Protze Kfz.83
-Borgward B 3000
-Skoda Rad Schlepper
-Ost RSO Porsche 175
-Steyr Type 2000A
-Einheits Lkw Kfz.62
-Krupp LKW L3
-Bussing-Nag 4500
-Opel Blitz Omnibus
-Bussing-Nag L
-Mercedes-Benz L1500
-Beute Studebaker
-Krupp L3H
-Hanomag SS-100
-Beute Ford B3000 S, V3000S, V3000A
-Beute Ford model BB
-Beute Ford model V8-51
-Beute Tatra 111
German Half Tracks
-Sd.Kfz.2 Kettenkrad
-Sd.Kfz.3 Maultier
-Sd.Kfz.4 Panzerwerfer
-Schwere Wehrmachtsschlepper
-Leichte Wehrmachtsschlepper
-Raupenschlepper Ost
German Staff Cars
-Horch 81
-Horch 108
-Kfz.15 Horch 901
-VW 182 Kübelwagen
-VW Schwimmwagen
-Mercedes-Benz L3000
-Magirus A3000
-Krupp Protze Kfz.19
-Krupp Protze Kfz.21
-Krupp Protze Kfz.68
-Krupp Protze Kfz.69
-Krupp Protze Kfz.70
-Krupp Protze Kfz.81
-Krupp Protze Kfz.21
-Krupp Protze Kfz.83
-Borgward B 3000
-Skoda Rad Schlepper
-Ost RSO Porsche 175
-Steyr Type 2000A
-Einheits Lkw Kfz.62
-Krupp LKW L3
-Bussing-Nag 4500
-Opel Blitz Omnibus
-Bussing-Nag L
-Mercedes-Benz L1500
-Beute Studebaker
-Krupp L3H
-Hanomag SS-100
-Beute Ford B3000 S, V3000S, V3000A
-Beute Ford model BB
-Beute Ford model V8-51
-Beute Tatra 111

-Sd.Kfz.2 Kettenkrad
-Sd.Kfz.3 Maultier
-Sd.Kfz.4 Panzerwerfer
-Schwere Wehrmachtsschlepper
-Leichte Wehrmachtsschlepper
-Raupenschlepper Ost

-Horch 81
-Horch 108
-Kfz.15 Horch 901
-VW 182 Kübelwagen
-VW Schwimmwagen

L. Trucks (Autocarro Leggere)
-ОМ Autocarretta da Montagna-SPA TL.37
-SPA AS.37 Sahariano
-Fiat 618
Med. Trucks (Autocarro Medio)
-Alfa Romeo 430RE-Alfa Romeo 800RE
-Bianchi Miles
-FIAT-626 NM
-Isotta Fraschini D65
-Isotta Fraschini D80
-SPA Dovunque-35
-SPA Dovunque-41
-Autocarro Dovunque SPA 41/42 1
H. Trucks (Autocarro Gigante)
-Fiat 661
-Lancia Ro
-Lancia 3Ro and TE
-Lancia EsaRo
-ОМ Taurus
-ОМ Titano
-Autocarri Unificati Ursus

-Breda TP32
-Breda TP 40
-Breda TP 41
-Breda 6x4 51
-90/53 su Breda 52
-Breda 61 (licenced SdKfz-7)
-Fiat-SPA T.L.37
-Pavesi Р4.31 (L140)
-Fiat 727 half-track artillery tractor
-SPA TM40 wheeled artillery tractor

-Alfa Romeo 6С2500 Coloniale
-Fiat 508M Ballila
-Fiat 508CM Coloniale
-Fiat 1100 (1937) (Balilla-1100 Coloniale)
-Lancia Aprilia Coloniale
-Bianchi VM 6C
-Fiat 2800 CMC

-Benelli 500 M36/VLM
-Bianchi Supermil 500
-Gilera 500 LTE
-Moto Guzzi Alce/Trialce
-Volugrafo Aermoto 125

-Toyota 4x4 Su-Ki (Amphibious truck)
-Isuzu Type 94 truck
-Type 94 6-Wheeled Truck
-Type 95 Mini-truck
-Type 97 4-Wheeled Truck
-Type 1 6-Wheeled Truck
-Type 2 Heavy Truck
-Toyota KB/KC Truck
-Nissan 80 Truck
-Nissan 180 Truck
-Type 92 5 t Prime Mover "I-Ke"
-Type 98 6 t Prime Mover "Ro-Ke"
-Type 92 8 t Prime Mover "Ni-Ku"
-Type 95 13 t Prime Mover "Ho-Fu"
-Type 94 4 t Prime Mover "Yo-Ke"
-Type 98 4 t Prime Mover "Shi-Ke"
-Type 96 AA Gun Prime Mover
-Type 98 20 mm AA Machine Cannon Carrier
-Type 98 Half-tracked Prime Mover "Ko-Hi"
-Type 98 20 mm AA Half-Track Vehicle
-Experimental Heavy Gun Tractor Chi-Ke
-Experimental Crawler Truck
-T G Experimental Crawler Truck
-Fordson Prime Mover
-Pavessi Gun Tractor
-50 hp Gun Tractor
-Komatsu 3 ton Tractor
-Light Prime Mover
-Clarton Prime Mover
-Holt 30
Staff cars
-Toyota AA/AB/AC
-Type 93 6/4-Wheeled Passenger Car
-Type 95 Passenger Car "Kurogane"
-Type 98 Passenger Car
-Model 97 Nissan Staff Car, Nissan 70
-Rikuo Motorcycle
-Rikuo Type 97 Motorcycle
-Rikuo Type 93 side car
-Type 94 Ambulance
-Type 94 Repair Vehicle
-Isuzu Type 94 truck
-Type 94 6-Wheeled Truck
-Type 95 Mini-truck
-Type 97 4-Wheeled Truck
-Type 1 6-Wheeled Truck
-Type 2 Heavy Truck
-Toyota KB/KC Truck
-Nissan 80 Truck
-Nissan 180 Truck

-Type 92 5 t Prime Mover "I-Ke"
-Type 98 6 t Prime Mover "Ro-Ke"
-Type 92 8 t Prime Mover "Ni-Ku"
-Type 95 13 t Prime Mover "Ho-Fu"
-Type 94 4 t Prime Mover "Yo-Ke"
-Type 98 4 t Prime Mover "Shi-Ke"
-Type 96 AA Gun Prime Mover
-Type 98 20 mm AA Machine Cannon Carrier
-Type 98 Half-tracked Prime Mover "Ko-Hi"
-Type 98 20 mm AA Half-Track Vehicle
-Experimental Heavy Gun Tractor Chi-Ke
-Experimental Crawler Truck
-T G Experimental Crawler Truck
-Fordson Prime Mover
-Pavessi Gun Tractor
-50 hp Gun Tractor
-Komatsu 3 ton Tractor
-Light Prime Mover
-Clarton Prime Mover
-Holt 30

-Toyota AA/AB/AC
-Type 93 6/4-Wheeled Passenger Car
-Type 95 Passenger Car "Kurogane"
-Type 98 Passenger Car
-Model 97 Nissan Staff Car, Nissan 70

-Rikuo Motorcycle
-Rikuo Type 97 Motorcycle
-Rikuo Type 93 side car

-Type 94 Ambulance
-Type 94 Repair Vehicle
Cold War & Modern Vehicles
Section pending completion.
BAV-485 * MAZ-543 * GAZ 46 * GAZ 67B * GAZ/UAZ-69 * GAZ 51 * GAZ 63* ZIL-131 * GAZ 66 * KrAZ-214 * KrAZ-255 * KrAZ-260 * KZKT-7428 * MAZ-535 * MAZ-537 * MAZ-7310 * Ural 375 * BM-21 Grad * MAZ-535 * MAZ-537 * MAZ-7310 * Ural 375 * URAL 4320 * ZIL-135 * ZIL-151 * ZIL-157 * ZIL-157/PR-11M * ZIL-6 * ZIL-6 * 9P140 Uragan * 9K33 Osa * AT-L
* * * * Praga V3S * Tatra 813
Ford G398 * Borgward BE3000 * Henschel HS 115 * Hanomag AL 28 * Mercedes Standard 4.5L * Mercedes LG 315/46 * Magirus-Deutz 170 * Magirus-Deutz 232 * Magirus-Deutz Jupiter 6x6 * Magirus-Deutz A 6500 * MAN KAT-1 * SLT 50 Elefant TT * Liebherr 8x8 GLW * MAN TGM Mil 18 4x4 * Liebherr 4x4 FKL * MAN 630 L2 * Mercedes LA * Unimog 404 2.5 standard * DKW Munga (1956) * Mercedes G-class * Volkswagen Type 181 (1968) * Volkswagen Iltis (1978) * MAN LX Tactical Trucks * M3 Amphibious Rig * Ford Taunus Polizei
Willys Jeep CJ series * Jeep M606 * Jeep M38A1 * Jeep M170 * M151 Mutt * M422 Mighty Mite * CJ V-35(/U) * M274 4x4 "Mule" * M37 Series 4x4 "Power Wagon" * M35 Series 6x6 * M54 Series 6x6 * M123/M125 6x6 * M715 series 4x4 * M561 6x6 "Gamma Goat" * M656 Series 8x8 * M880 series 4x4 * M809 series 6x6 * M520 4x4 "Goer" * M915 series 6x4 * M911 C-MET 8x6 * CUCV M1008 4x4 * HMMWV 4x4 * M939 Series 6x6 * HEMTT M977 8x8
Land-Rover * Bedford RL * Bedford TK/MK * Bedford TM * AEC Militant * Austin K9 * AEC Mandator TEL * Land rover LWB SAS
Nissan 2.5 Truck * * Hitachi Type 73 artillery tractor (1974) * Toyota Type 73 * Isuzu HST * Isuzu TSD-45 * Nissan Patrol * Mitsubishi Type 73 * Toyota Land Cruiser *
Jiefang CA10 * Jiefang CA30
Beijing BJ212 * Beijing BJ2020 * Dongfeng EQ240/EQ2081 * Dongfeng EQ245/EQ2100 * Dongfeng EQ2050 * FAW MV3 * Hanyang HY4260 * Hanyang HY4330 * HTF5680A1 * SFQ2040 LieYing * Xiaolong XL2060 * Jiefang CA-30 * NJ2045/2046 * Shaanxi SX2190 * Shaanxi SX2150 * TA580/TAS5380 * TA5450/TAS5450 * TAS5500 * TAS5570 * TAS5690 * Type 82 truck * WS2300 * WS2400 * WS2500 * Wanshan W-2600 * WS21200 * WS51200
Renault TRM 10000 GP | Renault RM 700-100 TT | Renault TRM 2000 lorry | Berliet GBC 8 TK & Renault GBC 180 | Renault Kerax* | Iveco PPT3 | PML VPCM | Scania CCP10 | Scania TRA TOE NG | Renault ESRC | Renault ESRC AVIT | Renault CCPTA | Mercedes CCP3/5 | Renault Carapace | Renault CDLR | Renault PPDL | Renault CDLR CBH 385 | VLTT | Grizzly LUV | VOS-APP LUV | VOS-PAT LUV | Acmat VLRA | Panhard VPS LUV | Aquus AREG VLFS | Renault T4 VLTP NG | Arquus Trapper VT4 | French Mil. Quads | Renault Kangoo | French Bulldozers | Souvim Minesweeper | EFA Bridgelayer | Renault PFM BDL | SPRAT AVLB

Beijing BJ212 * Beijing BJ2020 * Dongfeng EQ240/EQ2081 * Dongfeng EQ245/EQ2100 * Dongfeng EQ2050 * FAW MV3 * Hanyang HY4260 * Hanyang HY4330 * HTF5680A1 * SFQ2040 LieYing * Xiaolong XL2060 * Jiefang CA-30 * NJ2045/2046 * Shaanxi SX2190 * Shaanxi SX2150 * TA580/TAS5380 * TA5450/TAS5450 * TAS5500 * TAS5570 * TAS5690 * Type 82 truck * WS2300 * WS2400 * WS2500 * Wanshan W-2600 * WS21200 * WS51200
Renault TRM 10000 GP | Renault RM 700-100 TT | Renault TRM 2000 lorry | Berliet GBC 8 TK & Renault GBC 180 | Renault Kerax* | Iveco PPT3 | PML VPCM | Scania CCP10 | Scania TRA TOE NG | Renault ESRC | Renault ESRC AVIT | Renault CCPTA | Mercedes CCP3/5 | Renault Carapace | Renault CDLR | Renault PPDL | Renault CDLR CBH 385 | VLTT | Grizzly LUV | VOS-APP LUV | VOS-PAT LUV | Acmat VLRA | Panhard VPS LUV | Aquus AREG VLFS | Renault T4 VLTP NG | Arquus Trapper VT4 | French Mil. Quads | Renault Kangoo | French Bulldozers | Souvim Minesweeper | EFA Bridgelayer | Renault PFM BDL | SPRAT AVLB
F.N. AS 24 "tricar/trike"Sweden:
Scania T112Yugoslavia:
M87 OrkanModern Trucks
Section pending completion.