M274 Mule (1956)
US Army - Mechanical Mule.
M274 ½-ton 4×4 utility platform truck, 11,240 built 1956-1970.
Replacing the good old Mule

USS Mexican, Mules offloaded in 1944
The animal (a man-bred hybrid Donkey-Horse) was a well-requested "item" traditionally in many infantry corps around the world and went back straight to the antiquity. Whereas the donkey could carry a lot but was unruly unlike a horse, a mix was tempting for carrying loads. Indeed a few mules can carry a live weight up to 160 kg (353 lb) and unlike horses, they have a considerable endurance and able to carry up to 20% of their body weight, c90 kg (198 lb), with those trained today in the Army of Pakistan being able to carry 72 kg (159 lb), walk 26 km (16.2 mi) straight as requirement. Mule trains had been a staple of transportation for millenias and still are in rugged terrain especially in mountain. China is still today the largest provider.
Back in WW1 and WW2 Mules were put in good use by US troops on some terrains that "fit the bill" and also because of the lack of transports. This was especially true for Italy and Sicily, but also Greece (during the Civil War against the Communist insurgency 10,000 mules were used.). They were also used in Burma and many other theaters (both the Italians and Greeks used these in the winter of 1940). They were not used however in Korea at first (but was by North Koreans/Chinese). Already at this stage, the idea to replace these by a "mechanical mule" was already thought of.
By the end of the Korean War mules were left in just two units at Fort Carson (Colorado) and at the 4th Field Artillery Battalion (pack) and by 1956, these 322 mules left were sold or transferred to the National Park/Forest Services. Many of these benefited from these experienced and well-trained army pack mules. Saddle horses also disappeared from the US inventory although cavalry did still play a part also in WW2.
Quick descriptive

UH-1 about to drop a M274, Operation Harrison 1966
The "Mechanical Mule", likewise called "Armed force Mule" is essentially a four wheel, 1/2 ton vehicle with a 48" x 95" long stage mounted on two axles. It was intended for battle use by Willys in the mid 1950's, solely for the US Armed force. Having the option to convey a heap of 1,000 lbs, it turned into the principal freight transporter ready to take care of too much, and it was immediately acknowledged as an important instrument.
The reasonableness and solidness of the M274 were immediately perceived, and after four years, the Mechanical Mule was presented in airborne, infantry and marine units too. The creation was subsequently granted to Bowen Mc Laughlin/York, then to Brunswick Corp., lastly to Baifield Businesses which fabricated the last donkeys toward the finish of 1970.
The Mechanical Mule was extensively utilized during the Vietnam Battle to move ammo, freight, staff, and weapons - A 106 mm recoilless rifle with rockets was mounted on it. The seat and the foot container can be confined and put away under the stage. Each wheel is given lifting shackles to work with lifting by helicopter or dropping by parachute. It was intended to be an extremely rough vehicle which could arrive on its wheels or even topsy turvy when dropped, despite everything have the option to be driven away.
The M274 and the M274 A1 were the primary models and were outfitted with a 4 chamber, air cooled Willys fuel motor. This motor was irksome and was subsequently supplanted in the models A2, A3, A4 and A5 with an air cooled 2 chamber evenly went against 4 cycle Mainland Hercules motor which ended up being an exceptional entertainer. All models are furnished with full time four wheel drive, two speed move case, and a three forward and one converse speed transmission, giving it six forward rates and two opposite. The A5 model is a two wheel steer variation, though the previous models are four wheel steer. The motor is situated under the stage at the back, and it is safeguarded by a steel confine.

The shaft-driven four wheel drive framework gives the vehicle astounding foothold. Every one of the four wheels are totally locked consistently so the M274 keeps moving insofar as any wheel has footing. The gigantic 4' x 8' 1,000 lb limit bed gives a huge and valuable freight region encompassed by a handrail intended to get a heap without any problem.
The vehicle can be outfitted with a tow bar which interfaces with the directing math so the wheels are guided by the tow vehicle. This additionally permits the M274 to be a successful trailer which can be controlled around hindrances. The controlling wheel can be acclimated to a few positions, which permits driving from a riding, strolling, bowing or creeping position. The Mechanical Mule was never intended to be quick. At a maximum velocity of 25 mph, the principal objective was to stay up with troopers. Nor was it worked to be agreeable. The low strain tires were to retain the shocks. All things considered, it was worked for toughness and solidness, and it filled its need for however long it was being utilized.
Today, the M274 addresses many issues. Its benefits are exceptionally applauded by farmers and ranchers, plantations and wineries, by the ranger service, in modern applications, in development, in the mining business, by outside fans (hunting, fishing, boondocks setting up camp, and so forth), and by every inquirer who pretty much consistently finds another utilization for it. As a matter of fact, there is by all accounts no restriction to the various utilizations of the Mechanical Mule, which make it a definitive rough terrain "should have".
Genesis and development of the M274

1955 prototype airborne lorry based on a Willys Jeep, only 5 tested.
Going back to 1944
In WW2 Willys was trying to add improvements to its medical evacuation litter carrier which were on impassable terrain for the standard Jeep to access. The company's design was confirmed with the U.S. Patent 2457400 applied for on December 2, 1944. However it was only issued by December 28, 1948 with no further patents being delivered for this project. The arm however tested it Eglin Field in Florida, and its marshy, damp and hot conditions that could replocate tropical combat environments. The prototype proved useful as supply and men carrier of for other purposes, thus by 1948 the US Army purchased a few of these, soon renamed 'Jungle Burden Carrier' and aimed at the airborne forces procurement. Being lightweight, they had indeed a lot of potential to be paradropped or just landed from a glider. Helicopters were not yet considered.And so after further tests, the US Army gave its go-ahead, with the added experience of Korea, in 1954. The vehicle was standardized as the M274 Mule by 1956 and started to equip airborne, and later infantry divisions, replacing or supplementing the the 1⁄4-short-ton (0.23-tonne) truck (Jeep ) and 3⁄4-short-ton (0.68-tonne) truck (Weapons Carrier/M37 series). In all, the vehicle was manufactured at Willys, Bowen Mc Laughlin York, and Baifield Industries in Brunswick from 1956 to 1970. It was also declined into several variants:

M274A5 Mech. Mule
Base vehicle with a 4-cylinder Willys 4-cycleM274 A1:
Uprated 4-cylinder Willys 4-cycleM274 A2:
All had a 2-cyl. Continental-Hercules 2-cycle, air-cooled engine.M274 A3:
M274 A4:
M274 A5:
2 WD and electric ignition as standardDesign

The M274 was designed as a barebone vehicle, basically a framed platform with four wheels and at first, no gearbox and single speed. However for 4x4 use, a simple gearbox was later designed to enable two, and later three speeds in two modes, enabling more torque on difficult terrain. Not supposed to be on road, it had no regulatory item making it lighter still (and no bodywork at all). There was just a seat, a direction column that could be moved forward in order to store more supplies, no bumpers nor lights. It had also no protection against the weather albeit a standard large payload canvas was provided.

Mule showing its max troop transport capacity, nine men.

Railroad adaptation of the M274

M274 used as mobile oratory

M274 in action, NAM

As supply carrier, Vietnam

Another Mule in Vietnam

Design of the direction shaft

Scheme, from pinterest (like all the others)

Mule running on three wheels.
Engine wise, this light platform (300 kgs) enabled the use of light air-cooled internal combustion engines not much in demand by the industry, which would also had a low rate and little consumption. A frugal, but rock-solid power unit, air cooled because it was simpler to repair and more reliable, it also had its final three-speed manual, non-synchromesh transmissions coupled with two-speed transfer cases over a four-wheel drive with tiny turning circle, but still reverse speed possible*. They also had no suspension but standard small tires and seat cushions. It could climb a 65% gradient, 45% side lope, climb a 30-40 cm vertical step, gap a one meter trench and ford up to 46 cm of water. But it can also be fully amphibious, either above water when strapped with canvas all around to float (no load) or just go underwater in small rivers, but this needed preparation: Front pre-cleaned removed, snorkel tube installed, valves closed on the fuel tank to keep the water out.
*The base was three forward and one reverse, so a total of six forward speeds and two reverse with the transfer case shift. The driver's seat could be removed, steering column moved forward to drive it reverse and accommodate more cargo if needed, but the steering column could be also moved further forward and down to continue advancing under fire, with the driver crawling behind it...
The engines, which differed between variants, at first a Willys 4-cyl. and later an even lighter 2-cyl. Continental Hercules, all mated to the same gearbox which enabled at lower speeds and high power (14 hp/10 kW) still enough torque to carry a heavy load and still climb over logs and attack steep slopes. The Third gear was engaged at 9 mph (14 km/h) in off-road mode and in High range First at 25 mph (40 km/) for flat terrain. 40 kph was indeed much faster than soldier's pace, and enabled more versatility as a battlefield "taxi". The engine A042 had a single muffler, with an air blower fan and shrouding. The starter used 2 spark plugs from a magneto, but it used to be a simple pull-cable-start like any lawn mower. It could also negociate all terrains based on its beamy, low pressure tires. On this chapter, if one wheel got blown off, the cargo was just shifted over and the vehicle will drive on its remaining wheels. It had a higher ground clearance by the use of "drop gears" to keep the axles higher at all times whatever the load.
A really versatile military platform

Stripped M274
As barebones as it was, there was no shortage of imagination for the Army to look at ways to use the "mule". In standard, it came with a single seat, a 2.50 long (8.2 feet) flatbed all over, with handbars all around, and sometimes low wooden walls, with some hardpoint fixations and anti-slip cover. On this relatively large area, the 795 lb (361 kg) vehicle can accomodate a payload up to 0.45 tonnes as classified (455 kg off-road), more than its own weight. Based on a tiny 8 US gallons (30 L) fuel tank however operational range was limited to 108 mi (173.8 km), still impressive for such a light vehicle. In addition to the flatbed, which could accomodate five more seats, there was a small extra storage basket in front of the driver.
The "little bugger" was soon used mostly to carry the soldier's extra gear at platoon level in the field (water, extra ammunitions and rations), or used semi-independently to supply frontline échelons. It could also return with one stretcher with one injured man and two seated, acting as field ambulance, with the added benefit of being very low with no body, so it was a very difficult target to spot, albeit noisy, the only inconvenient of the air-cooled engine. It was thus totally unable to be used in special operations.
Soon, as it was a self-propelled platform, some had ideas to fit various ordnances not heavier than the prescribed max load:
In Vietnam War savvy mechanics in field workshops managed to transform these as deadly weapons carriers and they could support virtually any type of conventional weapon that can be bolted or welded on its flatbed. The only limit beyond weight, was the bulk and height of the payload, to avoid stability issues. truck. The most common were the installation of a pintle for a M60 7.62mm NATO light machine gun, or two, a sole M2HB 0.5 Caliber heavy machine gun, or even the M40 106 mm recoilless rifle that can deal with tanks (fitted behind the driver and kept low, turned backwards when moving), or better, a TOW 1st generation anti-tank missile system, with five spare missiles. For 400 kgs it packed quite a punch and was really easy to conceal.
Archive from transchool.lee.army.com
The M274 Mechanical Mule was developed to replace both the 1/4-ton and 3/4-ton 4 X 4 vehicles in infantry and airborne infantry battalions. It needed to weigh less than 750 pounds and carry a cross-country load of 1,000 pounds plus a driver. Willys developed a pilot model in the 1950s which could carry 850 pounds on improved roads with 2-wheel or 4-wheel drive. The driver's seat could be removed, the steering column moved to accommodate more cargo.Each wheel had shackles enabling helicopter lifting or para-dropping. Its frame was rugged enough that if landing upside-down it could be turned over easily and was still operational. It's versatility was amazing. It could be fitted with cable reels for signal use, used as a boat for river crossing, equipped with recoilless rifles and later TOW missiles. It could use severam weapons systems, like the TOW missile launcher, M40C Missile, 106mm recoiless rifle. It was not amphibious per se, having no buoyancy, but became so when cladding its cargo canvas all around, creating a makeshif boat for river crossing.
It became very popular with the Army and USMC in Vietnam and after the wa, lingered in depots and with the national guard for some time until be phased out a first time in 1978 as the Army determined it was simply now obsolete, planned to be replaced by the new HMMWV (High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle) but the later rather replaced the Jeep and some troops asked for the void left in this niche category be replaced by the M-Gator, and off the shelf, four-wheel drive platform derived from the popular midwest John Deere Gator vehicle. This will be the object of a new article.
The M274 in action

Mule loaded from a Huey UH1 in Vietnam
The Mule was either paradropped or just picked up and deposed by helicopters, which became the go-to method in Vietnam to carry men, supplies, and weaponry or ammunition in contested sectors. It remained in use until the 1980s. The concept of such a "naked" vehicle however did not pleased all while under fire. It was completely open and exposed, offering strickly no protection to the driver, but this was moderated by their use as rear échelon vehicles, not tactical ones.

M274 mule, US Honduras field training Ex AHUAS TARA II, 1984
M274 (1956) | |
Dimensions (L-w-h) | 3 x 1.18 x 0.7 m (9.84 ft x 3.87 x 2.29 ft) |
Weight/Payload | 395 kg/455 kg |
Crew | 1(+5, removable seats) |
Propulsion | 4c Willys petrol 13 hp, later 2c Continental-Hercules |
Transmission | 3 spd, diff. 2 |
Top speed | 40 km/h |
Maximum range | 145 - 240 km |

Base M274 in 1955

M274A1 of the USMC, Vietnam

M274A1 with M60

M274A1 with M134 Minigun

M274A2 used for supply; Vietnam

M274A3 with M40 Recoiless Rifle

M274A3 with extra fixes seats

M274A4 wit cal.50

One of the numerous inspired vehicles, the Belgian FN AS24 Trike

M275, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines 1966
G-400 M274A5 of the USMC
Mule with M40 106 mm Recoilless Rifle M275

M274 with M40 in AAFM

HMH 462 Loading a Mule on USS Princeton (CH-37), 1963

Mule at Tankfest 2015

Preserved Mule at the 101st Airborne Museum
French Modified Mule, Musee des Blindes de Saumur, France

Two M274 with M40 Rrecoiles Rifles M40 in 1967

Mule with TOW

Marines with a Mule and 106mm recoiless rifle

M274 in Vietnam 1966

M274 backside in Vietnam

Krigshistorisk Festival 2023 Dansk Militaerhistorisk
Dutch M274A5 at Orlogmuseum Overloon

2/9 Marines returned through the lines of 3/4 Marines with Mules in Operation Kingfisher

Civilian M274 at Clinton Fall Festival Car Show 2012
Crismon, Fred W. (2001). US Military Wheeled Vehicles (3rd ed.). Victory WWII Pub. pp. 235–237. ISBN 0-970056-71-0. Doyle, David (2003). Standard catalog of U.S. Military Vehicles. Krause Publications. pp. 51–54. ISBN 0-87349-508-X. Ware, Pat (2010). The World Encyclopedia of Military Vehicles. Lorenz Books. p. 225. ISBN 978-0-7548-2052-9.Links
On militarytoday.com/
On mechanicalmulesofamerica.com
On mapleleafup.net
On gregoryosmith.com
pinterest board
Military Ambulances
Another walkaround
WW1 Vehicles

LGOC B-type troop Bus
Mack AC
Pierce-Arrow AA truck
BSA 14/18 hp-20/25 hp
BSA 13.9 h.p
Lanchester staff Car
Thornycroft J
Maudslay Lorry
AEC Y Type
Foster-Daimler Tractor
Motorc. Triumph H
Ford Model T Patrol Car
FWD Model B 3-ton Lorry
Leyland 3-ton truck
Vulcan truck
Vauxhall D-type staff car
Crossley 20/25 staff car

Berliet CBA
Berliet Type M
Châtillon-Panhard Tractor
Panhard K11
Latil TAR Tractor
Panhard-Genty 24 HP
Renault EG
Renault AG1 Landaulet
Renault Truck 60CV
Renault FB Artillery Portee
Schneider CD Artillery Tractor

(list in research)

Holt tractor
Liberty Trucks, assembled by:
- Bethlehem
- Brockway
- Diamond T
- Gardford
- Gramm-Berstein
- Indiana
- Kelly-Springfield
- Packard
- Pierce-Arrow
- Republic
- Selden
- Sterling
- Velie
- Dart
- Lafrance
Ricker truck
Ford Model T Mil.
Spruce log truck
Dodge M1918 Light Repair truck
Dart BB, E, L, Liberty CC4, J Tractor
5-ton Artillery Tractor
Ford Model T Ambulance
Mack AC "Bulldog" Truck
Holt 15-ton Tractor
Jeffery Quad Lorry
FWD Model B

Lancia IZ
Fiat 15ter Ambulance
Fiat 15ter Lorry
Fiat 18BL Lorry
Hersent-Thiriont Flamethrower
(list in research)

(list in research)

Berna C2 Truck (Swiss)
(list in research)

A7V Überlandwagen
Büssing KZW1800 Artillery Tractor
Daimler Marienfelde Truck
Field Artillery Limbers
Große FeldKüche Hf.13
Mercedes 37/95 Staff Car
(list in research)

Austro-Daimler Lorry
Austro-Daimler Artilleriezugwagen
B-Zug Artillery Tractor
Feldküche M.1915

(list in research)
Allied ww2 Vehicles

-AEC Armoured Command Vehicle (415)
-AEC Matador
-Albion CX22S
-Albion FT15N
-Albion WD.CX24
-Austin K2/Y Ambulance
-Austin K3
-Austin K4
-Austin K4 Dropside
-Austin K5
-Austin K6 GS
-Austin K6 Gantry
-Bedford MW
-Bedford OXA Armoured
-Bedford OXC Semi-trailer
-Bedford OXD GS
-Bedford OYC Tanker
-Bedford OYD GS
-Bedford QL series (QLD, QLR/QLC QLT TC)
-Commer Q2
-Crossley Q-Type
-Diamond T tank transporter
-Guy Quad-Ant FAT
-Guy Lizard ACV
-Humber FWD
-Karrier KT4
-Karrier K6
-Leyland Hippo Mk I/II
-Leyland Lynx
-Leyland Retriever
-Mack EXBX
-Morris 15cwt
-Morris CDSW
-Morris ML Ambulance
-Morris C8 GS/FAT
-Morris Commercial CD series
-Morris Commercial CS8
-Morris C9
-Morris GS Terrapin
-Morris PU
-Scammell Pioneer
-Scammell Pioneer TRCU
-Scammell Pioneer SV1S/T
-Thornycroft Hathi (1924)
-Thornycroft Nubian
-Thornycroft Tartar
-AEC Matador
-Albion CX22S
-Albion FT15N
-Albion WD.CX24
-Austin K2/Y Ambulance
-Austin K3
-Austin K4
-Austin K4 Dropside
-Austin K5
-Austin K6 GS
-Austin K6 Gantry
-Bedford MW
-Bedford OXA Armoured
-Bedford OXC Semi-trailer
-Bedford OXD GS
-Bedford OYC Tanker
-Bedford OYD GS
-Bedford QL series (QLD, QLR/QLC QLT TC)
-Commer Q2
-Crossley Q-Type
-Diamond T tank transporter
-Guy Quad-Ant FAT
-Guy Lizard ACV
-Humber FWD
-Karrier KT4
-Karrier K6
-Leyland Hippo Mk I/II
-Leyland Lynx
-Leyland Retriever
-Mack EXBX
-Morris 15cwt
-Morris CDSW
-Morris ML Ambulance
-Morris C8 GS/FAT
-Morris Commercial CD series
-Morris Commercial CS8
-Morris C9
-Morris GS Terrapin
-Morris PU
-Scammell Pioneer
-Scammell Pioneer TRCU
-Scammell Pioneer SV1S/T
-Thornycroft Hathi (1924)
-Thornycroft Nubian
-Thornycroft Tartar

-Ford F8 CMP
-CMP C15/F15 (1940)
-CMP C30/F30 LRGD (1942)
-CMP C30/F30 (1940)
-CMP C60/F60 LWB (1941)
-CMP C60/F60 SWB (1942)
-C-60X 6x6 CMP
-F-60H 6x4 CMP
-Ford F-GT CMP
-Chevy C-GT CMP
-C8A 1C1 HUP
-Chevrolet 3 ton truck
-Chevrolet WB 30cwt LRDG
-Chevrolet C8/C8A 4x2 CMP
-CMP C15/F15 (1940)
-CMP C30/F30 LRGD (1942)
-CMP C30/F30 (1940)
-CMP C60/F60 LWB (1941)
-CMP C60/F60 SWB (1942)
-C-60X 6x6 CMP
-F-60H 6x4 CMP
-Ford F-GT CMP
-Chevy C-GT CMP
-C8A 1C1 HUP
-Chevrolet 3 ton truck
-Chevrolet WB 30cwt LRDG
-Chevrolet C8/C8A 4x2 CMP

-Berliet DGRA
-Berliet GDC
-Berliet GDM
-Berliet VDCA
-Berliet 30
-Bernard fuel carrier
-Citroën Kégresse P14 .
-Citroën Kégresse P17
-Citroën Kégresse P19
-Citroën Type 23
-Citroën 32U
-Citroën T45
-Citroën Traction Avant
-Fiat France 38R
-Ford France
-Hotchkiss PKW Type 680
-Hotchkiss 686
-Hotchkiss 686 PNA
-Isobloc W843M medical bus
-Laffly S15R
-Laffly S15R
-Laffly S35T
--Laffly V15T
-Laffly W15T/R
-Laffly 20TL
-Laffly 25
-Laffly 45
-Latil TAR H2
-Latil M2Tl6
-Matford F917
-Panhard K113 Truck
-Panhard K125 Truck/Bus
-Peugeot 202
-Peugeot 402
-Peugeot DMA
-Peugeot DK
-Peugeot DK5
-Renault AHS
-Renault AHN
-Renault AHR
-Renault AGC
-Renault ADK
-Renault ADH
-Renault AHSs
-Renault YCR (TRC-36R)
-Saurer type 3CT
-Simca 5 staff car
-Simca 8 staff car
-Somua MCL
-Somua MCG
-Talbot staff car
-Unic TU1
-Unic P107
-Trippel SG6
-Willeme DU10
-Berliet GDC
-Berliet GDM
-Berliet VDCA
-Berliet 30
-Bernard fuel carrier
-Citroën Kégresse P14 .
-Citroën Kégresse P17
-Citroën Kégresse P19
-Citroën Type 23
-Citroën 32U
-Citroën T45
-Citroën Traction Avant
-Fiat France 38R
-Ford France
-Hotchkiss PKW Type 680
-Hotchkiss 686
-Hotchkiss 686 PNA
-Isobloc W843M medical bus
-Laffly S15R
-Laffly S15R
-Laffly S35T
--Laffly V15T
-Laffly W15T/R
-Laffly 20TL
-Laffly 25
-Laffly 45
-Latil TAR H2
-Latil M2Tl6
-Matford F917
-Panhard K113 Truck
-Panhard K125 Truck/Bus
-Peugeot 202
-Peugeot 402
-Peugeot DMA
-Peugeot DK
-Peugeot DK5
-Renault AHS
-Renault AHN
-Renault AHR
-Renault AGC
-Renault ADK
-Renault ADH
-Renault AHSs
-Renault YCR (TRC-36R)
-Saurer type 3CT
-Simca 5 staff car
-Simca 8 staff car
-Somua MCL
-Somua MCG
-Talbot staff car
-Unic TU1
-Unic P107
-Trippel SG6
-Willeme DU10

-GAZ AA M1927 M1932 M1941
-GAZ AAA M1937/1940
-Ford Marmon HH6 Katiusha
-SU C-6
-Yag-10 SPG
-ZIS-33 HT
-ZIS 41 HT
-FN-Kégresse T3
Artillery tractors
-Komsomolets (4,041 pre-war)
-STZ-3 (3,658 pre-war)
-STZ-5 (7,170 pre-war)
-Stalinets (ChTz S-65) (?)
-Komintern (1,017 pre-war)
-Voroshilovets (1228 1942)
-Kommunar (504 pre-war)
-YA-12 (1,666)
-Wheeled Tractor SKhTZ 15-30 (1930) Specialized Vehicles
-BM-13 Katyusha (1940) Soviet staff cars
-GAZ M1 "Emka"
-GAZ 11-73
-GAZ 61-73
-GAZ 67 Amphibious armoured cars
-GAZ AA M1927 M1932 M1941
-GAZ AAA M1937/1940
-Ford Marmon HH6 Katiusha
-SU C-6
-Yag-10 SPG
-ZIS-33 HT
-ZIS 41 HT
-FN-Kégresse T3
Artillery tractors
-Komsomolets (4,041 pre-war)
-STZ-3 (3,658 pre-war)
-STZ-5 (7,170 pre-war)
-Stalinets (ChTz S-65) (?)
-Komintern (1,017 pre-war)
-Voroshilovets (1228 1942)
-Kommunar (504 pre-war)
-YA-12 (1,666)
-Wheeled Tractor SKhTZ 15-30 (1930) Specialized Vehicles
-BM-13 Katyusha (1940) Soviet staff cars
-GAZ M1 "Emka"
-GAZ 11-73
-GAZ 61-73
-GAZ 67 Amphibious armoured cars

-Praga N (1915)
-Praga TNSPE (1916) AC
-Praga MN, LN (1926)
-Praga RN (1933)
-Praga SND (SNDgs) (1937)
-Praga RND (1935)
-Praga T6 (1937) artillery tractor
-Praga RV (1934)
-Praga AV (1936)
-Tatra 26
-Tatra 57/57K (1932-1940)
-Tatra 72
-Tatra 82
-Tatra 92
-Tatra 81
-Tatra 111
-Praga TNSPE (1916) AC
-Praga MN, LN (1926)
-Praga RN (1933)
-Praga SND (SNDgs) (1937)
-Praga RND (1935)
-Praga T6 (1937) artillery tractor
-Praga RV (1934)
-Praga AV (1936)
-Tatra 26
-Tatra 57/57K (1932-1940)
-Tatra 72
-Tatra 82
-Tatra 92
-Tatra 81
-Tatra 111

-Autocar U8144T 5/6-ton 4x4 truck
-Brockway/LaFrance 6-ton 6x6 truck, G512, 514, 547, 569
-Brockway 6-ton 6×6 truck
-Chevrolet m1931
-Chevrolet m1936
-Chevrolet G506 1.5 ton 4x4 truck
-Chevrolet G-7107 4-1/2 ton 4x4
-Chevrolet 3116 1-1/2 ton 4x2
-Chevrolet AFWX-354
-Corbitt 6-ton 6×6 truck
-Diamond T Model 980/981 12-ton 6x4 trucks (G159)
-Diamond T Model 968 4-ton 6x6 truck (G509)
-Diamond T Model 967
-Diamond T Model 970
-Diamond T Model 972
-Diamond M26 Dragon Wagon
-Diamond M19 Tank Transporter
-Diamond T Model 980
-Diamond T 4-ton 6x6 truck
-Dodge 1⁄2-ton truck
-Dodge WC-51/52 (3⁄4-ton Trucks, Weapons Carrier)
-Dodge WC-53 (3⁄4-ton Carryall)
-Dodge WC-54/64 (3⁄4-ton Ambulance)
-Dodge WC-55 (3⁄4-ton Truck, M6 Gun Motor Carriage)
-Dodge WC-56/57/58 (3⁄4-ton (Radio) Command Reconnaissance)
-Dodge WC-62/43 (G-507, 11⁄2-ton, 6x6 truck)
-Dodge M6 GMC
-Dodge D-15 truck
-Dodge T-234 "China/Burma" truck
-Ford B3000 S
-Ford V3000S
-Ford V3000A
-Ford BB
-Ford V8-51
-Ford m1931
-Ford V8 M1937
-Four Wheel Drive Auto Company (FWD) SU-COE 5-6 ton 4x4
-GMS 353 Bofors
-International B2
-International model 1937
-Inl KR-11 5 ton 4x2 dump truck
-Inl M5-6 318 2-1/2 ton 6x6 swb
-G8T 2-1/2 ton 4x2 Truck
-Mack NR15 10-ton 6x4
-Reo 28 XS 10-ton 6x4
-Studebaker US6x4 U-5
-Studebaker US6x4 U-7
-Studebaker US6x4 U-6
-Studebaker US6 U4 bz35S 2-1/2 ton 6x6 truck
-T1E1(M1) half-track
-T5 half-track
-T7 half-track
-T9 half-track
-Ward LaFrance
-White 6 ton 6x6 Prime Mover
-White G-691 444T
-White 6-ton 6×6 truck G512, 514, 526, 547
Small truck/car & Misc.
Bantam Reconnaissance Car
Ford GTB
6x6 Willys 'MT-TUG' ("Super-Jeep")
-Willys MB light truck
-Ford GPA ("Seep")
Buick Century Series 60
1941 Plymouth P11 Staff Car
Ford Fordor 1942 Staff Car
Harley-Davidson WLA motorcycle
M1 Heavy Tractor:
-Brockway/LaFrance 6-ton 6x6 truck, G512, 514, 547, 569
-Brockway 6-ton 6×6 truck
-Chevrolet m1931
-Chevrolet m1936
-Chevrolet G506 1.5 ton 4x4 truck
-Chevrolet G-7107 4-1/2 ton 4x4
-Chevrolet 3116 1-1/2 ton 4x2
-Chevrolet AFWX-354
-Corbitt 6-ton 6×6 truck
-Diamond T Model 980/981 12-ton 6x4 trucks (G159)
-Diamond T Model 968 4-ton 6x6 truck (G509)
-Diamond T Model 967
-Diamond T Model 970
-Diamond T Model 972
-Diamond M26 Dragon Wagon
-Diamond M19 Tank Transporter
-Diamond T Model 980
-Diamond T 4-ton 6x6 truck
-Dodge 1⁄2-ton truck
-Dodge WC-51/52 (3⁄4-ton Trucks, Weapons Carrier)
-Dodge WC-53 (3⁄4-ton Carryall)
-Dodge WC-54/64 (3⁄4-ton Ambulance)
-Dodge WC-55 (3⁄4-ton Truck, M6 Gun Motor Carriage)
-Dodge WC-56/57/58 (3⁄4-ton (Radio) Command Reconnaissance)
-Dodge WC-62/43 (G-507, 11⁄2-ton, 6x6 truck)
-Dodge M6 GMC
-Dodge D-15 truck
-Dodge T-234 "China/Burma" truck
-Ford B3000 S
-Ford V3000S
-Ford V3000A
-Ford BB
-Ford V8-51
-Ford m1931
-Ford V8 M1937
-Four Wheel Drive Auto Company (FWD) SU-COE 5-6 ton 4x4
-GMS 353 Bofors
-International B2
-International model 1937
-Inl KR-11 5 ton 4x2 dump truck
-Inl M5-6 318 2-1/2 ton 6x6 swb
-G8T 2-1/2 ton 4x2 Truck
-Mack NR15 10-ton 6x4
-Reo 28 XS 10-ton 6x4
-Studebaker US6x4 U-5
-Studebaker US6x4 U-7
-Studebaker US6x4 U-6
-Studebaker US6 U4 bz35S 2-1/2 ton 6x6 truck
-T1E1(M1) half-track
-T5 half-track
-T7 half-track
-T9 half-track
-Ward LaFrance
-White 6 ton 6x6 Prime Mover
-White G-691 444T
-White 6-ton 6×6 truck G512, 514, 526, 547

Bantam Reconnaissance Car
Ford GTB
6x6 Willys 'MT-TUG' ("Super-Jeep")
-Willys MB light truck
-Ford GPA ("Seep")
Buick Century Series 60
1941 Plymouth P11 Staff Car
Ford Fordor 1942 Staff Car
Harley-Davidson WLA motorcycle

- Allis-Chalmers Model L
- G-022 Caterpillar Model 60
- G-89 Caterpillar RD7
- G-98, G-107 Allis-Chalmers HD-10DW
- G-101 International Harvester TD-18
- G-126 Caterpillar D7
- G-153 Caterpillar D8
Axis Trucks

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Sd.Kfz 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 were half-tracks designed just before the war as prime movers, to carry supplies, ammunition, personal, and tow artillery. Many were also converted during the war as armored versions carrying AA FLAK guns (Flakvierling, 37 mm, or the legendary 88 mm Rheinmetall als used as tank hunters), or were converted as nebelwerfer (rocket launching armored vehicles). They were built by Hanomag, Steyr, Mercedes-Benz, Bussing and many other manufacturers until 1945, over 20,000 half-tracks.
-Opel Blitz
-Mercedes-Benz L3000
-Magirus A3000
-Krupp Protze Kfz.19
-Krupp Protze Kfz.21
-Krupp Protze Kfz.68
-Krupp Protze Kfz.69
-Krupp Protze Kfz.70
-Krupp Protze Kfz.81
-Krupp Protze Kfz.21
-Krupp Protze Kfz.83
-Borgward B 3000
-Skoda Rad Schlepper
-Ost RSO Porsche 175
-Steyr Type 2000A
-Einheits Lkw Kfz.62
-Krupp LKW L3
-Bussing-Nag 4500
-Opel Blitz Omnibus
-Bussing-Nag L
-Mercedes-Benz L1500
-Beute Studebaker
-Krupp L3H
-Hanomag SS-100
-Beute Ford B3000 S, V3000S, V3000A
-Beute Ford model BB
-Beute Ford model V8-51
-Beute Tatra 111
German Half Tracks
-Sd.Kfz.2 Kettenkrad
-Sd.Kfz.3 Maultier
-Sd.Kfz.4 Panzerwerfer
-Schwere Wehrmachtsschlepper
-Leichte Wehrmachtsschlepper
-Raupenschlepper Ost
German Staff Cars
-Horch 81
-Horch 108
-Kfz.15 Horch 901
-VW 182 Kübelwagen
-VW Schwimmwagen
-Mercedes-Benz L3000
-Magirus A3000
-Krupp Protze Kfz.19
-Krupp Protze Kfz.21
-Krupp Protze Kfz.68
-Krupp Protze Kfz.69
-Krupp Protze Kfz.70
-Krupp Protze Kfz.81
-Krupp Protze Kfz.21
-Krupp Protze Kfz.83
-Borgward B 3000
-Skoda Rad Schlepper
-Ost RSO Porsche 175
-Steyr Type 2000A
-Einheits Lkw Kfz.62
-Krupp LKW L3
-Bussing-Nag 4500
-Opel Blitz Omnibus
-Bussing-Nag L
-Mercedes-Benz L1500
-Beute Studebaker
-Krupp L3H
-Hanomag SS-100
-Beute Ford B3000 S, V3000S, V3000A
-Beute Ford model BB
-Beute Ford model V8-51
-Beute Tatra 111

-Sd.Kfz.2 Kettenkrad
-Sd.Kfz.3 Maultier
-Sd.Kfz.4 Panzerwerfer
-Schwere Wehrmachtsschlepper
-Leichte Wehrmachtsschlepper
-Raupenschlepper Ost

-Horch 81
-Horch 108
-Kfz.15 Horch 901
-VW 182 Kübelwagen
-VW Schwimmwagen

L. Trucks (Autocarro Leggere)
-ОМ Autocarretta da Montagna-SPA TL.37
-SPA AS.37 Sahariano
-Fiat 618
Med. Trucks (Autocarro Medio)
-Alfa Romeo 430RE-Alfa Romeo 800RE
-Bianchi Miles
-FIAT-626 NM
-Isotta Fraschini D65
-Isotta Fraschini D80
-SPA Dovunque-35
-SPA Dovunque-41
-Autocarro Dovunque SPA 41/42 1
H. Trucks (Autocarro Gigante)
-Fiat 661
-Lancia Ro
-Lancia 3Ro and TE
-Lancia EsaRo
-ОМ Taurus
-ОМ Titano
-Autocarri Unificati Ursus

-Breda TP32
-Breda TP 40
-Breda TP 41
-Breda 6x4 51
-90/53 su Breda 52
-Breda 61 (licenced SdKfz-7)
-Fiat-SPA T.L.37
-Pavesi Р4.31 (L140)
-Fiat 727 half-track artillery tractor
-SPA TM40 wheeled artillery tractor

-Alfa Romeo 6С2500 Coloniale
-Fiat 508M Ballila
-Fiat 508CM Coloniale
-Fiat 1100 (1937) (Balilla-1100 Coloniale)
-Lancia Aprilia Coloniale
-Bianchi VM 6C
-Fiat 2800 CMC

-Benelli 500 M36/VLM
-Bianchi Supermil 500
-Gilera 500 LTE
-Moto Guzzi Alce/Trialce
-Volugrafo Aermoto 125

-Toyota 4x4 Su-Ki (Amphibious truck)
-Isuzu Type 94 truck
-Type 94 6-Wheeled Truck
-Type 95 Mini-truck
-Type 97 4-Wheeled Truck
-Type 1 6-Wheeled Truck
-Type 2 Heavy Truck
-Toyota KB/KC Truck
-Nissan 80 Truck
-Nissan 180 Truck
-Type 92 5 t Prime Mover "I-Ke"
-Type 98 6 t Prime Mover "Ro-Ke"
-Type 92 8 t Prime Mover "Ni-Ku"
-Type 95 13 t Prime Mover "Ho-Fu"
-Type 94 4 t Prime Mover "Yo-Ke"
-Type 98 4 t Prime Mover "Shi-Ke"
-Type 96 AA Gun Prime Mover
-Type 98 20 mm AA Machine Cannon Carrier
-Type 98 Half-tracked Prime Mover "Ko-Hi"
-Type 98 20 mm AA Half-Track Vehicle
-Experimental Heavy Gun Tractor Chi-Ke
-Experimental Crawler Truck
-T G Experimental Crawler Truck
-Fordson Prime Mover
-Pavessi Gun Tractor
-50 hp Gun Tractor
-Komatsu 3 ton Tractor
-Light Prime Mover
-Clarton Prime Mover
-Holt 30
Staff cars
-Toyota AA/AB/AC
-Type 93 6/4-Wheeled Passenger Car
-Type 95 Passenger Car "Kurogane"
-Type 98 Passenger Car
-Model 97 Nissan Staff Car, Nissan 70
-Rikuo Motorcycle
-Rikuo Type 97 Motorcycle
-Rikuo Type 93 side car
-Type 94 Ambulance
-Type 94 Repair Vehicle
-Isuzu Type 94 truck
-Type 94 6-Wheeled Truck
-Type 95 Mini-truck
-Type 97 4-Wheeled Truck
-Type 1 6-Wheeled Truck
-Type 2 Heavy Truck
-Toyota KB/KC Truck
-Nissan 80 Truck
-Nissan 180 Truck

-Type 92 5 t Prime Mover "I-Ke"
-Type 98 6 t Prime Mover "Ro-Ke"
-Type 92 8 t Prime Mover "Ni-Ku"
-Type 95 13 t Prime Mover "Ho-Fu"
-Type 94 4 t Prime Mover "Yo-Ke"
-Type 98 4 t Prime Mover "Shi-Ke"
-Type 96 AA Gun Prime Mover
-Type 98 20 mm AA Machine Cannon Carrier
-Type 98 Half-tracked Prime Mover "Ko-Hi"
-Type 98 20 mm AA Half-Track Vehicle
-Experimental Heavy Gun Tractor Chi-Ke
-Experimental Crawler Truck
-T G Experimental Crawler Truck
-Fordson Prime Mover
-Pavessi Gun Tractor
-50 hp Gun Tractor
-Komatsu 3 ton Tractor
-Light Prime Mover
-Clarton Prime Mover
-Holt 30

-Toyota AA/AB/AC
-Type 93 6/4-Wheeled Passenger Car
-Type 95 Passenger Car "Kurogane"
-Type 98 Passenger Car
-Model 97 Nissan Staff Car, Nissan 70

-Rikuo Motorcycle
-Rikuo Type 97 Motorcycle
-Rikuo Type 93 side car

-Type 94 Ambulance
-Type 94 Repair Vehicle
Cold War & Modern Vehicles
Section pending completion.
BAV-485 * MAZ-543 * GAZ 46 * GAZ 67B * GAZ/UAZ-69 * GAZ 51 * GAZ 63* ZIL-131 * GAZ 66 * KrAZ-214 * KrAZ-255 * KrAZ-260 * KZKT-7428 * MAZ-535 * MAZ-537 * MAZ-7310 * Ural 375 * BM-21 Grad * MAZ-535 * MAZ-537 * MAZ-7310 * Ural 375 * URAL 4320 * ZIL-135 * ZIL-151 * ZIL-157 * ZIL-157/PR-11M * ZIL-6 * ZIL-6 * 9P140 Uragan * 9K33 Osa * AT-L
* * * * Praga V3S * Tatra 813
Ford G398 * Borgward BE3000 * Henschel HS 115 * Hanomag AL 28 * Mercedes Standard 4.5L * Mercedes LG 315/46 * Magirus-Deutz 170 * Magirus-Deutz 232 * Magirus-Deutz Jupiter 6x6 * Magirus-Deutz A 6500 * MAN KAT-1 * SLT 50 Elefant TT * Liebherr 8x8 GLW * MAN TGM Mil 18 4x4 * Liebherr 4x4 FKL * MAN 630 L2 * Mercedes LA * Unimog 404 2.5 standard * DKW Munga (1956) * Mercedes G-class * Volkswagen Type 181 (1968) * Volkswagen Iltis (1978) * MAN LX Tactical Trucks * M3 Amphibious Rig * Ford Taunus Polizei
Willys Jeep CJ series * Jeep M606 * Jeep M38A1 * Jeep M170 * M151 Mutt * M422 Mighty Mite * CJ V-35(/U) * M274 4x4 "Mule" * M37 Series 4x4 "Power Wagon" * M35 Series 6x6 * M54 Series 6x6 * M123/M125 6x6 * M715 series 4x4 * M561 6x6 "Gamma Goat" * M656 Series 8x8 * M880 series 4x4 * M809 series 6x6 * M520 4x4 "Goer" * M915 series 6x4 * M911 C-MET 8x6 * CUCV M1008 4x4 * HMMWV 4x4 * M939 Series 6x6 * HEMTT M977 8x8
Land-Rover * Bedford RL * Bedford TK/MK * Bedford TM * AEC Militant * Austin K9 * AEC Mandator TEL * Land rover LWB SAS
Nissan 2.5 Truck * * Hitachi Type 73 artillery tractor (1974) * Toyota Type 73 * Isuzu HST * Isuzu TSD-45 * Nissan Patrol * Mitsubishi Type 73 * Toyota Land Cruiser *
Jiefang CA10 * Jiefang CA30
Beijing BJ212 * Beijing BJ2020 * Dongfeng EQ240/EQ2081 * Dongfeng EQ245/EQ2100 * Dongfeng EQ2050 * FAW MV3 * Hanyang HY4260 * Hanyang HY4330 * HTF5680A1 * SFQ2040 LieYing * Xiaolong XL2060 * Jiefang CA-30 * NJ2045/2046 * Shaanxi SX2190 * Shaanxi SX2150 * TA580/TAS5380 * TA5450/TAS5450 * TAS5500 * TAS5570 * TAS5690 * Type 82 truck * WS2300 * WS2400 * WS2500 * Wanshan W-2600 * WS21200 * WS51200
Renault TRM 10000 GP | Renault RM 700-100 TT | Renault TRM 2000 lorry | Berliet GBC 8 TK & Renault GBC 180 | Renault Kerax* | Iveco PPT3 | PML VPCM | Scania CCP10 | Scania TRA TOE NG | Renault ESRC | Renault ESRC AVIT | Renault CCPTA | Mercedes CCP3/5 | Renault Carapace | Renault CDLR | Renault PPDL | Renault CDLR CBH 385 | VLTT | Grizzly LUV | VOS-APP LUV | VOS-PAT LUV | Acmat VLRA | Panhard VPS LUV | Aquus AREG VLFS | Renault T4 VLTP NG | Arquus Trapper VT4 | French Mil. Quads | Renault Kangoo | French Bulldozers | Souvim Minesweeper | EFA Bridgelayer | Renault PFM BDL | SPRAT AVLB

Beijing BJ212 * Beijing BJ2020 * Dongfeng EQ240/EQ2081 * Dongfeng EQ245/EQ2100 * Dongfeng EQ2050 * FAW MV3 * Hanyang HY4260 * Hanyang HY4330 * HTF5680A1 * SFQ2040 LieYing * Xiaolong XL2060 * Jiefang CA-30 * NJ2045/2046 * Shaanxi SX2190 * Shaanxi SX2150 * TA580/TAS5380 * TA5450/TAS5450 * TAS5500 * TAS5570 * TAS5690 * Type 82 truck * WS2300 * WS2400 * WS2500 * Wanshan W-2600 * WS21200 * WS51200
Renault TRM 10000 GP | Renault RM 700-100 TT | Renault TRM 2000 lorry | Berliet GBC 8 TK & Renault GBC 180 | Renault Kerax* | Iveco PPT3 | PML VPCM | Scania CCP10 | Scania TRA TOE NG | Renault ESRC | Renault ESRC AVIT | Renault CCPTA | Mercedes CCP3/5 | Renault Carapace | Renault CDLR | Renault PPDL | Renault CDLR CBH 385 | VLTT | Grizzly LUV | VOS-APP LUV | VOS-PAT LUV | Acmat VLRA | Panhard VPS LUV | Aquus AREG VLFS | Renault T4 VLTP NG | Arquus Trapper VT4 | French Mil. Quads | Renault Kangoo | French Bulldozers | Souvim Minesweeper | EFA Bridgelayer | Renault PFM BDL | SPRAT AVLB
F.N. AS 24 "tricar/trike"Sweden:
Scania T112Yugoslavia:
M87 OrkanModern Trucks
Section pending completion.