9P78 TEL, 9K720 Iskander

Russian trucks Russian Transporter Erector, c250 built.
The 9K720 Iskander (NATO SS-26 Stone) is a mobile short-range ballistic missile system produced and deployed by the Russian army from 2006 and also exported. Each 9P78 TEL carried two ballistic missiles (terminal hypersonic speed Mach 7.6, 50 km alt, range 500 kilometres) each. This was the replacement for the OTR-21 Tochka but only a few were built unlike the latter. The vehicle also saw action Ukraine recently.

The Iskander complex


Iskander K in 2022

The need to replace the OT-21 Tochka medium range ballistic missile transporter erector launcher (TEL). The 9K720) is a family of Russian operational-tactical missile systems with the Iskander, Iskander-M, Iskander-K, Iskander-E all developed by the research and production corp. "Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering" (KBM) based in Kolomna, Moscow Oblast.

Its main purpose was to strike the most valuable enemy targets when covered by air defense systems at up to 500 km. It was first presented in August 1999 at the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS). The Iskander became the basis for the Kinzhal missile system and was developed to use a number of warheads, high-explosive fragmentation, concrete-piercing, electromagnetic pulse, or even tactical nuclear. Other were developed for specific tasks with 70 nuclear warheads in store.

In September 2017, KB Mashinostroyeniya (KBM) chief designer Valery M. Kashin declared the system was declined into seven types, including one cruise missile. The Transporter Erector Launcher assovcated was the second attempt by Russia to replace the Scud truck TELs, replacing the OTR-23 Oka, later eliminated under a reduction Treaty. Design work started by December 1988, by KBM rocket designer Sergey Nepobedimy, and considerably disturbed by the fall of USSR in 1991. Still, it was followed through and the the first successful launch was made in 1996.

In September 2004, at a meeting with senior defense officials reporting to President Vladimir Putin about the defense budget planning FY2005, MoD Sergei Ivanov reported about the successful tests of the Iskander and that production was planned to start in 2005 with a full brigade equipped by December. By March 2005, the system was further developed into a (270–320 nmi; 310–370 mi) capable evolution of the Iskander-E tactical missile.

Production of the Iskander-M system started by mid-2006, with full adoption by the Russian army between there and 2015. The production cost of was reported in 2014 to have been reduced by a third by simplification measures at each stage of the components supply chain. It was reported also that the ground-based 9M728/9M729 system was already being modernized.

In November 2016, the Russian MoD announced the Iskander-M system was ongoing, and several countries had shown interest in the export version once greenlight by early February 2017. US experts expressed concerned as for the superior range of the 9M728/9M729 (SSC-X-7/SSC-X-8), violating the INF Treaty. By April 2024 it was announced tha its accuracy had been widely improved since the start of the war in Ukraine.


9М720 Iskander The Iskander ballistic missile was to be mde superior in any way to the previous Oka. The Iskander-M (main production) is a missile comprising two solid-propellant single-stage, called the 9M723K1. Each of the two missiles carried by the TEL is controlled throughout the entire flight path and carris a single warhead. Each could be independently targeted in seconds. The mobility of the Iskander launch platform (9P78 TEL) makes its difficult to neutralized by counter battery fire.

Targets could be located via satellite data and link with aircraft and from a conventional intelligence center by artillery observer, and aerial photos scanned and computerized. They can be also re-targeted during flight so to hit mobile targets such like a ship. Another unique feature of Iskander-M is its optically guided warhead controllable by encrypted radio transmission coming from from AWACS or UAV. The electro-optical guidance system allows self-homing capability in case all communication is shut down. The on-board computer received images of the target and locks onto it by a sight until plunging on it at supersonic speed.

The missile Boost phase uses thrust vector control using graphite vanes comparable to the old V-2 and Scud but it is said capable of performing evasive maneuvers in the terminal phase as well as releasing decoys, confirmed by US analysts in at least some versions. The trajectory is still relatively flat when leaving the atmosphere, controllable by gas-dynamic and aerodynamic control surfaces in re-entry but with small fins to reduce radar signature.

The Iskander-M is hypersonic at Mach 6–7 and max 50 km. It is tactical, made to use conventional or thermonuclear warheads on moving and stationary targets with a conventional destruction capacity of 25,000 square meters (2 football fields) witn an accuracy said to be of a small window. 2007 the R-500 cruise missile was tested to reach targets at low altitude up to 2000 km or more. In 2013, brigades announced receiving a new control system. In 2018, is antiship capability was confirmed.

The Iskander, 1st version, total mass empty is 3,800 kg (8,400 lb) but the production M missile weighs 4,615 kg fully loaded with a warhead of 710–800 kg, and with a range of max 500 km (250–310 mi) at 2,000 m/s (Mach 5.9 to Mach 7) and achieves a CEP of 5–7 meters if coupled with optical homing head or 30–70 m in autonomous application as claimed.

The missile measures 7.3 m (24 ft) overall with a diameter of 0.92 m (3 ft 0 in). The Warhead range in fact really varies between 480 and 800 kg (1,060–1,600 lb) between a thermonuclear model, high-explosive (HE) fragmentation, submunition, bunker penetration, fuel–air explosive and EMP (electromagnetic pulse). It is powered with a single-stage solid propellant and has inertial guidance with optical DSMAC for the Iskander-M and TERCOM for Iskander-K as well as GPS and GLONASS in addition with optical DSMAC for terminal homing. Accuracy on the basic 9K720 reaches up to 30 metres (98.4 feet) down to 5–7 metres (16–23 feet) for the Iskander-M.

9P78 TEL

Base vehicle, the МZКТ-7930

The truck is part of the whole complex which includes six types of vehicles (51 per missile brigade):
9P78-1 TEK used for transporting, preparing and launching two missiles. Gross weight 42 tons, payload 19 tons, highway/dirt road speed 70/40 km/h, fuel range 1000 km. Crew three, based on the Chassis of the MZKT-7930. Note: There will be a dedicated article of the vehicle soon.

Close view of the cabin

The MZKT-7930 is a family of special wheeled chassis and tractors with a 8×8 wheel arrangement and load capacity from 17.8 to 25 tons. The MZKT-7930 and its modifications are produced by the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant (Belarus). It Includes the variants MZKT-7930, MZKT-7930-300 and MZKT-79306, as well as the MZKT-7415 truck tractor. The most famous application is the "Iskander", buut also the weapons systems "Bal", "Bastion", "Club-M", BSAU A-222 "Bereg", MLRS "Uragan-1M", MLRS "Polonez" and the coastal surface and air reconnaissance complex "Monolit-B", antenna posts for the S-400 "Triumph" air defense system, the RCSN Topol-M support vehicle 15V240M, the engineering support and camouflage vehicle 15M69, the heavy mechanized bridge TMM-6 and it's the base for development of the S-500 Prometheus air defense system.

⚙ 9P78 МZКТ-7930 basic chassis

WeightsGross 43,3t, curb 20.8t
Dimensions12,7 x 3,07 x 3,017 m
PropulsionV8 YaMZ-846 diesel 370 kw, 503 hp/2100 rpm, torque 1960 nm (200 kg/cm)
Transmission GMP MZKT-5561, mechanical 6+1 Bgx
SuspensionsIndependent, torsion bar, reinforced shock absorbers
SteeringLeft/right steering wheel, hydraulic booster
DriveCentral gearboxes with center and cross-axle differentials, planetary wheel gearboxes
SpeedTop 70 km road. Climb 55% grade, 40 cm GC, 35 cm obstacle, 40% lat. slope
Range2×385 liters, 1000 km cruise speed
Armament2x Iskander missiles, 22t load capacity

Transport-loading vehicle 9T250/9T250E:

Tansport of two spare missiles and equipped with a crane. Same MZKT-7930 chassis, 40 tons, crew 2.

Command and staff vehicle 9S552:

Based on a KAMAZ 43101 wheeled chassis with a radio station R-168-100KA “Akveduk”, crew 4. Radio range 50 km, calculation time for missiles: 10 seconds, data transmission time 15 seconds, up to 16 communication channels, deployment up to 30 minutes, continuous operation time 48 hours.

Setup and maintenance machine, MRTO:

Designed to check on-board equipment and instruments, and carry out routine repairs. Based on a KamAZ wheeled chassis. Weight 13.5 tons, deployed in 20 minutes, full automated cycle of routine checks of on-board equipment in 18 minutes, crew 2.

Information Preparation Point vehicle 9S920:

Based on a KAMAZ 43101 chassis, designed to determine target coordinates and prepare flight missions. It is interfaced with reconnaissance assets and can receive data and assigned targets from all necessary sources, satellite, aircraft or UAV. Crew 2.

Life support vehicle:

Designed for accommodation, rest and restauration of combat crews. Based on a KAMAZ 43118 wheeled chassis with a large cabin and tents with a base rest compartment and utility compartment. The rest compartment has 6 berths with folding upper beds, 2 lockers, built-in lockers, and an opening window. The utility compartment has 2 lockers with seats, a folding table, a water supply system with a 300-liter tank, a tank for heating water, a pump for pumping water, a drainage system, a sink, and a dryer for clothes and shoes.



Iskander M camouflaged, Transbaikal exercise June 2021

Russian Armed Forces base system with two 9M723 near-ballistic missiles, range 415 km, Speed Mach 6–7, flight altitude 50 km.


Iskander-K, carrying four cruise missiles.

Iskander K at Armiya 2023 vehicle showcase

The "K" standard for Krylataya ("Winged") and is basically a booster for a range of cruise missiles:
-9M728 (SSC-X-7) or R-500: Flying at 6 km, 500 km range with automatic adjustment, following the terrain in flight.
-9M729 (SSC-X-8): Land-based version of the 3M14 Kalibr-NK, range 300 miles or 480 km but small enough to have 4 missiles per TEL. Higher yield warhead, improved accuracy.


"E" stands for "Eksport". Rostec's CEO Sergey Chemezov announced it was nuclear capable. Prohibited for export. In 2016 it was sold anyway to Armenia, member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, max range 280 km to comply with restrictions for export, simplified inertial guidance system. Aerodynamic steering using tail fins, fitted as standard with cluster munitions.


Aermenian vehicle

Russian trucks Armenia 25 delivered, first displayed at the Independence Day parade rehearsal in September 2016. Confirmed by Rosoboronexport, four systems delivered to Armenia, first foreign state to have it. By February 2017, Armenian MoD confirmed a total of 25 delivered.

Russian trucks Algeria 4 regiments fully equipped (48 launchers). Contract signed at the Dubai Airshow 2017 exhibition, all Iskander-E delivered, confirmed by French defense writer Philippe Langloit by September–October 2017, later confirmed by Kommersant.

Belarussian trucks Belarus purchased some Iskander systems in May 2022 according to President Alexander Lukashenko. President Putin confirmed plans to give Belarus nuclear capable Iskander, and they were indeed delivered in December 2022, allegedly handed over in February 2023 to the 465th Missile Brigade with more deliveried by late August 2023.

Russian trucks Russia: 160 in service, 13 rocket brigades (12 each) and one unit with 4 complexes at Kapustin Yar. Western Military District from 2010 and extra vehicles deployed in Armenia. Others stationed at Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Republic of Adygea (49th Army, Southern Military District) and Eastern Military District from 2013. Orenburg Brigade also from 20 November 2014. 6th brigade delivered from June 2015 at Ulan Ude and 103rd Rocket Brigade. 7th brigade from November 2015, Southern Military District. 20th Separate Guards Rocket Brigade and 5th Red Banner Army, Eastern Military District in Spassk-Dalniy, Primorsky Krai from June 2016.

Contracts signed for two more brigades and cruise missiles by August 2017 for 13 scheduled. Western Military District started to received the first from late 2017 and last in the Kursk Region by November 2019, one more by late 2021. More ordered in August 2022 and August 2023 with the war in Ukraine.

Operational History

Russo-Georgian War

The first documented use: The Russo-Georgian War. When journalist Stan Storimans was killed on 12 August 2008 in Gori and investigation by the Dutch government revealed a 5 mm fragment from an anti-personnel sub-munition used by the Iskander missile. Stratfor report in 2010 confirmed five Iskander brigades at the 26th Rocket Brigade in Luga (eningrad Oblast), 92nd Rocket Brigade at Kamenka (Volga region), 103rd Rocket Brigade at Ulan-Ude (North Mongolia) and 107th Rocket Brigade at Semistochni (Far East), 114th Rocket Brigade at Znamensk (northern Caucasus).


From June 2013 Russia had several Iskander-M confirmed in Armenia and Armenian itself received some. In November 2014, US General Breedlove commented these vehicles are "nucear capable" and had been moved into Crimea after the annexation in March. It was later confirmed by Ukraine. Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed the right to deploy nuclear weapons in the peninsula in December 2014 and again in June 2015.


In March 2016, one reportedly deployed at the Hmeimim airbase in Syria. Conformed by an Israeli satellite by January 2017. Fox News reported in 2017, four fired at opposition forces, Idlib province, Syria.

Kaliningrad enclave

In November 2008, Russian president Medvedev announced plans to deploy Iskander in the Kaliningrad Oblast. On 17 September 2009, US president Barack Obama announced the cancellation of the U.S. missile defense project in Poland and the Czech Republic for des-ecalation. After backing dow, a few days later, the decision not to deploy them was confirmed by Medvedev, but some weerz spotted in military exercises in March 2015. By 8 October 2016, their presence was conformed after all by the Russian MoD as a preventive measure for possible US deployments in Poland. It was confirmed again by February 2018, an undisclosed number of Iskander in Kaliningrad in "park zones" completed as well as in North Ossetia.

2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War

Armenia reportedly used its systems against Azerbaijani forces, from the town of Shushi after capture by Azerbaijani forces. PM Nikol Pashinyan implied that the missiles that were launched did not explode. Various claimes and counter-claims were made, but theres is no certaintly aout their use.

Ukraine 2022

The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine saw deployment of several Iskander units on the border as support for the assault. For the first time, decoys use to confuse Ukrainian air defense systems was confirmed. Up from 23 April 2022, more units were deployed to the Belgorod Oblast, 60 km from the border. There had been contradictory claims on vulnerability. In 29 May 2023 Ukraine claimed to have destroyed 11 Iskander missiles of the ballistic and cruise missile variants. On 5 March 2024, one confirmed destroyed by a M142 HIMARS near Nykanorivka, Donetsk Oblast. 9 March another was conformed used to to destroy two German M901 Launchers, MIM-104 PAC-2 Mobile Patriot near Sergeevka. July, wave of attacks using Iskander missiles on Ukrainian airbases, preceded by drone recce: Myrhorod, Poltava, Krivoi Rog Air Bases with several aircraft destroyed.


Base Vehicle as of 2010

Russian vehicle camouflaged delivered to the Moskow Oblast, 2012

Armenian Iskander E vehicle, 2014 parade.

Vehicle deployed in Ukraine, winter 2022-23.


9P78 vehicle at Alabino 2015

9P78 vehicle in 2010

Armiya 2016

2010 Victory parade training

Transport-loading vehicle 9T250/9T250E

9S552 control vehicle

2010 Victory parade training

9T250 Reloading operation

At the Moskow 2011 parade

Vehicle rear

At Armiya 2016

Read More/Src

Rockets and Missiles Over Ukraine: The Changing Face of Battle. De Mihajlo S Mihajlović
X Chuck Pfarrer | Indications & Warnings: PUTIN’S KILLERS

WW1 Vehicles

British ww2 WWI trucks
British ww2 British WWI Vehicles
LGOC B-type troop Bus
Mack AC
Pierce-Arrow AA truck
BSA 14/18 hp-20/25 hp
BSA 13.9 h.p
Lanchester staff Car
Thornycroft J
Maudslay Lorry
AEC Y Type
Foster-Daimler Tractor
Motorc. Triumph H
Ford Model T Patrol Car
FWD Model B 3-ton Lorry
Leyland 3-ton truck
Vulcan truck
Vauxhall D-type staff car
Crossley 20/25 staff car
French ww2 French WWI Vehicles
Berliet CBA
Berliet Type M
Châtillon-Panhard Tractor
Panhard K11
Latil TAR Tractor
Panhard-Genty 24 HP
Renault EG
Renault AG1 Landaulet
Renault Truck 60CV
Renault FB Artillery Portee
Schneider CD Artillery Tractor
Soviet ww2 Russian WWI Vehicles
(list in research)
US ww2 US WWI Vehicles
Holt tractor
Liberty Trucks, assembled by:
  • Bethlehem
  • Brockway
  • Diamond T
  • Gardford
  • Gramm-Berstein
  • Indiana
  • Kelly-Springfield
  • Packard
  • Pierce-Arrow
  • Republic
  • Selden
  • SMTC
  • Sterling
  • Velie
  • Dart
  • Lafrance
Cadillac trucks/staff cars
Ricker truck
Ford Model T Mil.
Spruce log truck
Dodge M1918 Light Repair truck
Dart BB, E, L, Liberty CC4, J Tractor
5-ton Artillery Tractor
Ford Model T Ambulance
Mack AC "Bulldog" Truck
Holt 15-ton Tractor
Jeffery Quad Lorry
FWD Model B‎
Italy ww1 Italian WWI Vehicles
Lancia IZ
Fiat 15ter Ambulance
Fiat 15ter Lorry
Fiat 18BL Lorry
Hersent-Thiriont Flamethrower
(list in research)
Soviet ww2 Japanese WWI Vehicles
(list in research)
Belgian Dutch ww2 Belgian, Dutch and other WWI vehicles
Berna C2 Truck (Swiss)
(list in research)
German Empire ww1 German WWI Vehicles
A7V Überlandwagen
Büssing KZW1800 Artillery Tractor
Daimler Marienfelde Truck
Field Artillery Limbers
Große FeldKüche Hf.13
Mercedes 37/95 Staff Car
(list in research)
Soviet ww2 Austro-Hungarian Vehicles
Austro-Daimler Lorry
Austro-Daimler Artilleriezugwagen
B-Zug Artillery Tractor
Feldküche M.1915

Turkish vehicles Turkish WWI Vehicles
(list in research)

allied ww2 Allied ww2 Vehicles

British ww2 British Vehicles
-AEC Armoured Command Vehicle (415)
-AEC Matador
-Albion CX22S
-Albion FT15N
-Albion WD.CX24
-Austin K2/Y Ambulance
-Austin K3
-Austin K4
-Austin K4 Dropside
-Austin K5
-Austin K6 GS
-Austin K6 Gantry
-Bedford MW
-Bedford OXA Armoured
-Bedford OXC Semi-trailer
-Bedford OXD GS
-Bedford OYC Tanker
-Bedford OYD GS
-Bedford QL series (QLD, QLR/QLC QLT TC)
-Commer Q2
-Crossley Q-Type
-Diamond T tank transporter
-Guy Quad-Ant FAT
-Guy Lizard ACV
-Humber FWD
-Karrier KT4
-Karrier K6
-Leyland Hippo Mk I/II
-Leyland Lynx
-Leyland Retriever
-Mack EXBX
-Morris 15cwt
-Morris CDSW
-Morris ML Ambulance
-Morris C8 GS/FAT
-Morris Commercial CD series
-Morris Commercial CS8
-Morris C9
-Morris GS Terrapin
-Morris PU
-Scammell Pioneer
-Scammell Pioneer TRCU
-Scammell Pioneer SV1S/T
-Thornycroft Hathi (1924)
-Thornycroft Nubian
-Thornycroft Tartar
US ww2 Canadian Trucks
-Ford F8 CMP
-CMP C15/F15 (1940)
-CMP C30/F30 LRGD (1942)
-CMP C30/F30 (1940)
-CMP C60/F60 LWB (1941)
-CMP C60/F60 SWB (1942)
-C-60X 6x6 CMP
-F-60H 6x4 CMP
-Ford F-GT CMP
-Chevy C-GT CMP
-C8A 1C1 HUP
-Chevrolet 3 ton truck
-Chevrolet WB 30cwt LRDG
-Chevrolet C8/C8A 4x2 CMP
French ww2 French Vehicles
-Berliet DGRA
-Berliet GDC
-Berliet GDM
-Berliet VDCA
-Berliet 30
-Bernard fuel carrier
-Citroën Kégresse P14 .
-Citroën Kégresse P17
-Citroën Kégresse P19
-Citroën Type 23
-Citroën 32U
-Citroën T45
-Citroën Traction Avant
-Fiat France 38R
-Ford France
-Hotchkiss PKW Type 680
-Hotchkiss 686
-Hotchkiss 686 PNA
-Isobloc W843M medical bus
-Laffly S15R
-Laffly S15T
--Laffly V15T
-Laffly V15R
-Laffly W15T/R
-Laffly 20TL
-Laffly 25
-Laffly 45
-Latil TAR H2
-Latil M2Tl6
-Matford F917
-Panhard K113 Truck
-Panhard K125 Truck/Bus
-Peugeot 202
-Peugeot 402
-Peugeot DMA
-Peugeot DK
-Peugeot DK5
-Renault AHS
-Renault AHN
-Renault AHR
-Renault AGC
-Renault ADK
-Renault ADH
-Renault AHSs
-Renault YCR (TRC-36R)
-Saurer type 3CT
-Simca 5 staff car
-Simca 8 staff car
-Somua MCL
-Somua MCG
-Talbot staff car
-Unic TU1
-Unic P107
-Trippel SG6
-Willeme DU10
Soviet ww2 Soviet Trucks
-GAZ AA M1927 M1932 M1941
-GAZ AAA M1937/1940
-Ford Marmon HH6 Katiusha
-SU C-6
-Yag-10 SPG
-ZIS-33 HT
-ZIS 41 HT
-FN-Kégresse T3

Artillery tractors
-Komsomolets (4,041 pre-war)
-STZ-3 (3,658 pre-war)
-STZ-5 (7,170 pre-war)
-Stalinets (ChTz S-65) (?)
-Komintern (1,017 pre-war)
-Voroshilovets (1228 1942)
-Kommunar (504 pre-war)
-YA-12 (1,666)
-Wheeled Tractor SKhTZ 15-30 (1930) Specialized Vehicles
-BM-13 Katyusha (1940) Soviet staff cars
-GAZ M1 "Emka"
-GAZ 11-73
-GAZ 61-73
-GAZ 67 Amphibious armoured cars
Soviet ww2 Czech Trucks
-Praga N (1915)
-Praga TNSPE (1916) AC
-Praga MN, LN (1926)
-Praga RN (1933)
-Praga SND (SNDgs) (1937)
-Praga RND (1935)
-Praga T6 (1937) artillery tractor
-Praga RV (1934)
-Praga AV (1936)
-Tatra 26
-Tatra 57/57K (1932-1940)
-Tatra 72
-Tatra 82
-Tatra 92
-Tatra 81
-Tatra 111
US ww2 US Trucks
-Autocar U8144T 5/6-ton 4x4 truck
-Brockway/LaFrance 6-ton 6x6 truck, G512, 514, 547, 569
-Brockway 6-ton 6×6 truck
-Chevrolet m1931
-Chevrolet m1936
-Chevrolet G506 1.5 ton 4x4 truck
-Chevrolet G-7107 4-1/2 ton 4x4
-Chevrolet 3116 1-1/2 ton 4x2
-Chevrolet AFWX-354
-Corbitt 6-ton 6×6 truck
-Diamond T Model 980/981 12-ton 6x4 trucks (G159)
-Diamond T Model 968 4-ton 6x6 truck (G509)
-Diamond T Model 967
-Diamond T Model 970
-Diamond T Model 972
-Diamond M26 Dragon Wagon
-Diamond M19 Tank Transporter
-Diamond T Model 980
-Diamond T 4-ton 6x6 truck
-Dodge 1⁄2-ton truck
-Dodge WC-51/52 (3⁄4-ton Trucks, Weapons Carrier)
-Dodge WC-53 (3⁄4-ton Carryall)
-Dodge WC-54/64 (3⁄4-ton Ambulance)
-Dodge WC-55 (3⁄4-ton Truck, M6 Gun Motor Carriage)
-Dodge WC-56/57/58 (3⁄4-ton (Radio) Command Reconnaissance)
-Dodge WC-62/43 (G-507, 11⁄2-ton, 6x6 truck)
-Dodge M6 GMC
-Dodge D-15 truck
-Dodge T-234 "China/Burma" truck
-Ford B3000 S
-Ford V3000S
-Ford V3000A
-Ford BB
-Ford V8-51
-Ford m1931
-Ford V8 M1937
-Four Wheel Drive Auto Company (FWD) SU-COE 5-6 ton 4x4
-GMS 353 Bofors
-International B2
-International model 1937
-Inl KR-11 5 ton 4x2 dump truck
-Inl M5-6 318 2-1/2 ton 6x6 swb
-G8T 2-1/2 ton 4x2 Truck
-Mack NR15 10-ton 6x4
-Reo 28 XS 10-ton 6x4
-Studebaker US6x4 U-5
-Studebaker US6x4 U-7
-Studebaker US6x4 U-6
-Studebaker US6 U4 bz35S 2-1/2 ton 6x6 truck
-T1E1(M1) half-track
-T5 half-track
-T7 half-track
-T9 half-track
-Ward LaFrance
-White 6 ton 6x6 Prime Mover
-White G-691 444T
-White 6-ton 6×6 truck G512, 514, 526, 547

US ww2 Small truck/car & Misc.
Bantam Reconnaissance Car
Ford GTB
6x6 Willys 'MT-TUG' ("Super-Jeep")
-Willys MB light truck
-Ford GPA ("Seep")
Buick Century Series 60
1941 Plymouth P11 Staff Car
Ford Fordor 1942 Staff Car
Harley-Davidson WLA motorcycle
US ww2 Tractors. M1 Heavy Tractor:
  • Allis-Chalmers Model L
  • G-022 Caterpillar Model 60
  • G-89 Caterpillar RD7
  • G-98, G-107 Allis-Chalmers HD-10DW
  • G-101 International Harvester TD-18
  • G-126 Caterpillar D7
  • G-153 Caterpillar D8

Axis ww2 Axis Trucks

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Sd.Kfz 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 were half-tracks designed just before the war as prime movers, to carry supplies, ammunition, personal, and tow artillery. Many were also converted during the war as armored versions carrying AA FLAK guns (Flakvierling, 37 mm, or the legendary 88 mm Rheinmetall als used as tank hunters), or were converted as nebelwerfer (rocket launching armored vehicles). They were built by Hanomag, Steyr, Mercedes-Benz, Bussing and many other manufacturers until 1945, over 20,000 half-tracks.

German ww2 German Military trucks
-Opel Blitz
-Mercedes-Benz L3000
-Magirus A3000
-Krupp Protze Kfz.19
-Krupp Protze Kfz.21
-Krupp Protze Kfz.68
-Krupp Protze Kfz.69
-Krupp Protze Kfz.70
-Krupp Protze Kfz.81
-Krupp Protze Kfz.21
-Krupp Protze Kfz.83
-Borgward B 3000
-Skoda Rad Schlepper
-Ost RSO Porsche 175
-Steyr Type 2000A
-Einheits Lkw Kfz.62
-Krupp LKW L3
-Bussing-Nag 4500
-Opel Blitz Omnibus
-Bussing-Nag L
-Mercedes-Benz L1500
-Beute Studebaker
-Krupp L3H
-Hanomag SS-100
-Beute Ford B3000 S, V3000S, V3000A
-Beute Ford model BB
-Beute Ford model V8-51
-Beute Tatra 111

German ww2 German Half Tracks

-Sd.Kfz.2 Kettenkrad
-Sd.Kfz.3 Maultier
-Sd.Kfz.4 Panzerwerfer
-Schwere Wehrmachtsschlepper
-Leichte Wehrmachtsschlepper
-Raupenschlepper Ost

German ww2 German Staff Cars

-Horch 81
-Horch 108
-Kfz.15 Horch 901
-VW 182 Kübelwagen
-VW Schwimmwagen
italy ww2 Italian Military trucks
L. Trucks (Autocarro Leggere)
-ОМ Autocarretta da Montagna
-SPA TL.37
-SPA AS.37 Sahariano
-Fiat 618
Med. Trucks (Autocarro Medio)
-Alfa Romeo 430RE
-Alfa Romeo 800RE
-Bianchi Miles
-FIAT-626 NM
-Isotta Fraschini D65
-Isotta Fraschini D80
-SPA Dovunque-35
-SPA Dovunque-41
-Autocarro Dovunque SPA 41/42 1

H. Trucks (Autocarro Gigante)
-Fiat 661
-Lancia Ro
-Lancia 3Ro and TE
-Lancia EsaRo
-ОМ Taurus
-ОМ Titano
-Autocarri Unificati Ursus

italy ww2 Artillery tractors
-Breda TP32
-Breda TP 40
-Breda TP 41
-Breda 6x4 51
-90/53 su Breda 52
-Breda 61 (licenced SdKfz-7)
-Fiat-SPA T.L.37
-Pavesi Р4.31 (L140)
-Fiat 727 half-track artillery tractor
-SPA TM40 wheeled artillery tractor

italy ww2 Staff Cars
-Alfa Romeo 6С2500 Coloniale
-Fiat 508M Ballila
-Fiat 508CM Coloniale
-Fiat 1100 (1937) (Balilla-1100 Coloniale)
-Lancia Aprilia Coloniale
-Bianchi VM 6C
-Fiat 2800 CMC

italy ww2 Motorcycles
-Benelli 500 M36/VLM
-Bianchi Supermil 500
-Gilera 500 LTE
-Moto Guzzi Alce/Trialce
-Volugrafo Aermoto 125
Japan ww2 IJA/IJN ww2 vehicles
-Toyota 4x4 Su-Ki (Amphibious truck)
-Isuzu Type 94 truck
-Type 94 6-Wheeled Truck
-Type 95 Mini-truck
-Type 97 4-Wheeled Truck
-Type 1 6-Wheeled Truck
-Type 2 Heavy Truck
-Toyota KB/KC Truck
-Nissan 80 Truck
-Nissan 180 Truck
Japan ww2 Tractors
-Type 92 5 t Prime Mover "I-Ke"
-Type 98 6 t Prime Mover "Ro-Ke"
-Type 92 8 t Prime Mover "Ni-Ku"
-Type 95 13 t Prime Mover "Ho-Fu"
-Type 94 4 t Prime Mover "Yo-Ke"
-Type 98 4 t Prime Mover "Shi-Ke"
-Type 96 AA Gun Prime Mover
-Type 98 20 mm AA Machine Cannon Carrier
-Type 98 Half-tracked Prime Mover "Ko-Hi"
-Type 98 20 mm AA Half-Track Vehicle
-Experimental Heavy Gun Tractor Chi-Ke
-Experimental Crawler Truck
-T G Experimental Crawler Truck
-Fordson Prime Mover
-Pavessi Gun Tractor
-50 hp Gun Tractor
-Komatsu 3 ton Tractor
-Light Prime Mover
-Clarton Prime Mover
-Holt 30

Japan ww2 Staff cars
-Toyota AA/AB/AC
-Type 93 6/4-Wheeled Passenger Car
-Type 95 Passenger Car "Kurogane"
-Type 98 Passenger Car
-Model 97 Nissan Staff Car, Nissan 70

Japan ww2 Motorcycles
-Rikuo Motorcycle
-Rikuo Type 97 Motorcycle
-Rikuo Type 93 side car

Japan ww2 Misc.
-Type 94 Ambulance
-Type 94 Repair Vehicle

Cold War & Modern Vehicles

Section pending completion.
BAV-485 * MAZ-543 * GAZ 46 * GAZ 67B * GAZ/UAZ-69 * GAZ 51 * GAZ 63* ZIL-131 * GAZ 66 * KrAZ-214 * KrAZ-255 * KrAZ-260 * KZKT-7428 * MAZ-535 * MAZ-537 * MAZ-7310 * Ural 375 * URAL 4320 * ZIL-135 * ZIL-151 * ZIL-157 * ZIL-157/PR-11M * ZIL-6 * ZIL-6 * 9P140 Uragan * 9K33 Osa * AT-L

* * * * Praga V3S * Tatra 813
Ford G398 * Borgward BE3000 * Henschel HS 115 * Hanomag AL 28 * Mercedes Standard 4.5L * Mercedes LG 315/46 * Magirus-Deutz 170 * Magirus-Deutz 232 * Magirus-Deutz Jupiter 6x6 * Magirus-Deutz A 6500 * MAN KAT-1 * SLT 50 Elefant TT * Liebherr 8x8 GLW * MAN TGM Mil 18 4x4 * Liebherr 4x4 FKL * MAN 630 L2 * Mercedes LA * Unimog 404 2.5 standard * DKW Munga (1956) * Mercedes G-class * Volkswagen Type 181 (1968) * Volkswagen Iltis (1978) * MAN LX Tactical Trucks * M3 Amphibious Rig * Ford Taunus
Willys Jeep CJ series * Jeep M606 * Jeep M38A1 * Jeep M170 * M151 Mutt * M422 Mighty Mite * CJ V-35(/U) * M274 4x4 "Mule" * M37 Series 4x4 "Power Wagon" * M35 Series 6x6 * M54 Series 6x6 * M123/M125 6x6 * M715 series 4x4 * M561 6x6 "Gamma Goat" * M656 Series 8x8 * M880 series 4x4 * M809 series 6x6 * M520 4x4 "Goer" * M915 series 6x4 * M911 C-MET 8x6 * CUCV M1008 4x4 * HMMWV 4x4 * M939 Series 6x6 * HEMTT M977 8x8

Land-Rover * Bedford RL * Bedford TK/MK * Bedford TM * AEC Militant * Austin K9 * AEC Mandator TEL * Land rover LWB SAS


Nissan 2.5 Truck * * Hitachi Type 73 artillery tractor (1974) * Toyota Type 73 * Isuzu HST * Nissan Patrol * Mitsubishi Type 73 * Toyota Land Cruiser *
Jiefang CA10 * Jiefang CA30
Beijing BJ212 * Beijing BJ2020 * Dongfeng EQ240/EQ2081 * Dongfeng EQ245/EQ2100 * Dongfeng EQ2050 * FAW MV3 * Hanyang HY4260 * Hanyang HY4330 * HTF5680A1 * SFQ2040 LieYing * Xiaolong XL2060 * Jiefang CA-30 * NJ2045/2046 * Shaanxi SX2190 * Shaanxi SX2150 * TA580/TAS5380 * TA5450/TAS5450 * TAS5500 * TAS5570 * TAS5690 * Type 82 truck * WS2300 * WS2400 * WS2500 * Wanshan W-2600 * WS21200 * WS51200
Renault TRM 10000 GP | Renault RM 700-100 TT | Renault TRM 2000 lorry | Berliet GBC 8 TK & Renault GBC 180 | Renault Kerax* | Iveco PPT3 | PML VPCM | Scania CCP10 | Scania TRA TOE NG | Renault ESRC | Renault ESRC AVIT | Renault CCPTA | Mercedes CCP3/5 | Renault Carapace | Renault CDLR | Renault PPDL | Renault CDLR CBH 385 | VLTT | Grizzly LUV | VOS-APP LUV | VOS-PAT LUV | Acmat VLRA | Panhard VPS LUV | Aquus AREG VLFS | Renault T4 VLTP NG | Arquus Trapper VT4 | French Mil. Quads | Renault Kangoo | French Bulldozers | Souvim Minesweeper | EFA Bridgelayer | Renault PFM BDL | SPRAT AVLB


F.N. AS 24 "tricar/trike"


Scania T112


Isuzu TSD-45

Modern Trucks

Section pending completion.


Tatra Prithvi | Ashok-Leyland Agni II TEL


Iveco ACTL


AMT 25, AMT 950, DAC, Roman, Dacia Duster.


Rantis P6 ATAV


UAZ Esaul * Kamaz 6560 * Pantsir S1 * 9K720 Iskander |


Renault Sherpa 5 CAESAR SPH | Renault TRM 10000 GP | Renault RM 700-100 TT | Renault TRM 2000 lorry | <Renault Kerax | Iveco PPT3 | PML VPCM | Scania CCP10 | Scanian TRA TOE NG | Renault ESRC | Renault ESRC AVIT | Renault CCPTA | Mercedes CCP3/5 | Renault Carapace | Renault CDLR | Renault PPDL | Renault CDLR CBH 385 | VLTT | Grizzly LUV | VOS-APP LUV | VOS-PAT LUV | Acmat VLRA | Panhard VPS LUV | Aquus AREG VLFS | Renault T4 VLTP NG | | French Mil. Quads | Renault Kangoo | French Bulldozers | Souvim Minesweeper | EFA Bridgelayer | Renault PFM BDL | SPRAT AVLB


Mercedes 250GD Wolf | Mercedes Wolf SSA | Mercedes G300 Greenliner | VW T3/T4/T6 van | BWM G650 GS | BMW F850 GS | BMW R1150 RT | BMW R1200 RT | KTM 400LS-E BdW | LIV(SO) Serval | German quads | Faun LST50-3 Elefant | Faun STL56 Franziska | Faun SLT Mammut | RMT HX81 | SAANH 70T | Mercedes Unimog U3/4/5000 | Mercedes Zetros | MAN KAT1 | RMT Multi 2 | RMT WLS 6x6 | RMT UTF WLKS 8x8 | | MAN TGS 8x4 | MAN TGS 6x4 | MAN RMMV TGA | Mercedes Atego | Mercedes Axor | EWK M3 Amph.Rig | Liebherr FKL | Liebherr FKM | T.Faun FKS ATF 30-2 | T.Faun FKS ATF 70-4 | T.Faun FKS ATF 100-5 | T.Faun FKS ATF 110-5 | T.Faun FKS ATF 120-5 Obelix | Steinbrock 2.5 Y4 | Herbst-Smag Orion V | Konecrane SMV 2216 TC3 | Ahlmann AS1600 | Liebherr 574 | MAN Cobra Radar | Liebherr LTM 1050


Defenture Mammoth | to come | placeholder | MLC-70 WGMST


➹ Santana Anibal


United Kingdom:

RWMIK land rover | Toyota Jankel Al-Thalab | Sky Sabre | Alvis Unipower | land Rover Wolf | Land Rover Defender BFA | Alvis Supacat ATMP | Marshall Gasket 3 | MAN SV (Mark I-III)


Interim Fast Attack Vehicle | M1161 Growler | Boeing Phantom Badger | GD Flyer | Humvee (Generic) | M997A3 Ambulance | M1097A2 Cargo/Troop/AD Carrier | | | | | | M1114/M1116/M1145/M1151 Up-Armored Armament Carrier | M1152A1 Up-Armored Cargo/Troop Carrier | M1165A1 Up-Armored Command and Control Carrier | M1167A1 Up-Armored TOW Carrier | Ground Mobility Vehicle | Light Combat Tactical Utility Vehicle (L-ATV) | M1297 Army Ground Mobility Vehicle (AGMV) | DAGOR | Desert Patrol Vehicle | Light Strike Vehicle | Advanced Light Strike Vehicle | Ranger Special Operations Vehicle | Interim Fast Attack Vehicle 157 | Guardian Angel Air-Deployable Rescue Vehicle | M1161 Light Strike Vehicle (LSV) | M1163 Expeditionary Fire Support System (EFSS) Prime Mover | M816 Wrecker | MRZR-D (USMC) | M1301 Infantry Squad Vehicle | Oshkosh M1070 | R-11 Refueler | Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck | Medium Tactical Vehicle | M970 | M939 Truck | M35 2½ ton cargo truck | Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement | Iron Dome IFPC | MIM-104 Patriot | Terminal High Altitude Area Defense | M1097 Avenger | Kalmar RT240 RTCH | Caterpillar 930K ATFL (10K/13K) | Oshkosh (JLG) EBFL EBF | JLG Atlas II Telehandler | Kalmar RT240 RTCH | Grove GMK4060HC All-Terrain Crane | Terex MAC-50 All-Terrain Crane | Linkbelt HTC-8640 Mobile Crane | Manitowoc 777 Crawler Crane | Linkbelt 108H Crawler Crane | Caterpillar 621 | Caterpillar 140 WTS | Caterpillar 963 CL | Caterpillar 966H WL | Caterpillar 924H WL | John Deere 624J/K R TRAM | USN Caterpillar 924H Wheel Loader | Caterpillar D9 | Caterpillar D7R | John Deere 850J R MCT | Caterpillar M105 DEUCE | Caterpillar D6K | US Army Caterpillar D7R Bulldozer | Backhoe Caterpillar 420D | John Deere 200C/200D/210G | Caterpillar 320